BWCA USFS Beaver Flight Program in Ely Boundary Waters Listening Point - General Discussion
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   Listening Point - General Discussion
      USFS Beaver Flight Program in Ely     
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distinguished member(768)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/12/2025 04:54PM  
Does anyone have first hand knowledge of or connection with the USFS Beaver Program in Ely? I have read a few articles about it and would like to learn more.

Thank you in advance.

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01/12/2025 06:04PM  
Not sure why you consider this off topic - I’d say the Beavers flying overhead most every day are very much on topic.

This video is a bit old (but so are the Beavers!) , but I thought it was very informative. There are some newer ones but I have not watched. YouTube Ely Beaver Video
01/13/2025 09:23AM  
I flew with a couple of those pilots in the Video, seemed to go up with Wayne more than anyone else. Those pilots are all considered federal wildland firefighters and have 6c retirement coverage with 57 years old being mandatory retirement age.
distinguished member (270)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/13/2025 02:27PM  

Not firsthand but here's a cool 2021 article from BackCountryPilot: The Ultimate Boundry Waters Bush Flying Platform
01/13/2025 09:56PM  
I came on this thread to see if this was about planes or a new wildlife study.
distinguished member(768)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/14/2025 08:24AM  
One Match...Fixed it for you :)

I have a family member that is involved in both flying and firefighting and thought this might be of interest to him and am trying to learn more about it or get connected with someone involved in the team/program.
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