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distinguished member(697)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/01/2009 06:35PM  
found quite a few of these on this season's trip in "the little north".

it's like a treasure hunt looking for them. ancient, but i'm not sure that anyone has put an exact time frame on them. weather is taking a toll on these images. we saw many locations where the original art is too far gone to define what it once was.

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10/02/2009 07:57AM  
Thats the Norsemen and the Knights of Templar looking for the Kensington Stone.
distinguished member(697)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/02/2009 08:57AM  
no one has ever really figured these out. they never had canoes that would hold that many people, if that's what it's supposed to represent.

one of the mythical objects in their culture was a sea serpent. when they painted an object like this, speculation is that the location was not random. the fissures in the rock below the canoe might represent the serpent rising from the depths.

here's a photo of what might be the serpent.

01/08/2011 08:00PM  
Thank you for sharing.
I have only found one so far. I must say it was such a surreal fealing. I had a lot of emotion when I found it. Number one I had paddled 35 miles on my first solo, second, I had such an overwhelming feeling overcome me at the time. I wandered why they did it, what they were thinking, where they lived and what they were doing and thinking? Anyway just some thoughts I have on the experience.
I Thank you again for sharing.
01/09/2011 11:39PM  
Thanks for sharing.

SunCatcher, thanks for telling us what you felt too. These fascinate me. I want to know WHAT they painted with that has lasted so long!! And in some cases, how did they reach the areas where the images are?

Amazing experiences I bet... Just goosebumps to think someone else paddled that same water hundreds of years before me and had no idea someone like me would ever be there to witness their art work/message.
distinguished member(697)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/10/2011 05:01AM  
quote BWPaddler: "Thanks for sharing.
Just goosebumps to think someone else paddled that same water hundreds of years before me and had no idea someone like me would ever be there to witness their art work/message."

you must mean thousands of years. documented native use of trade routes through the Little North going back 5-6000 years.
01/10/2011 08:55AM  
yes, I know people were present "thousands" of years before - I was referring to the pictograph artists... or maybe my memory is bad there - was thinking most estimates of pictograph dates were in the hundreds of years maybe 1100 at the upper end? Not sure they have an accurate way to date them? Still, very eerie and awe-inspiring to think of no matter the exact age of them.
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