BWCA Trip Report - 2006 BWCA Kawishiwi Lake to Fishdance Lake Pictographs Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - 2006 BWCA Kawishiwi Lake to Fishdance Lake Pictographs     
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distinguished member(1758)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/26/2009 09:51AM  
New Trip Report posted by OldGreyGoose

Trip Name: 2006 BWCA Kawishiwi Lake to Fishdance Lake Pictographs .

Entry Point: 37

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11/26/2009 07:50PM  
Thank you for the great report, makes the cold season past faster.
11/27/2009 02:00PM  
Enjoyed your trip report....especially the part about the howling wolves. Listening to howling wolves has always been at the top of my list of BWCA experiences.

Thanks for sharing your report.
12/11/2009 07:54AM  
Enjoyed your post....but didn't see any pictures of that boulder you mentioned....someplace else maybe?
distinguished member(935)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/11/2009 09:57AM  

I started a 10-day trip at Kawishiwi Lake about a month before your trip in 2006. I'm surprised you were even able to get through to Square Lake. We thought the route would be impassible after a couple more weeks.

Great area, though. We also had a hard time on the portage from Malberg northwest into the Kawishiwi River. Enjoy Fishdance Lake very much.

Thanks for sharing.
12/11/2009 06:28PM  
Interesting trip. Was thinking of similar route for next spring or fall. Thanks.
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