BWCA falls chain in spring...late may Boundary Waters Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados
      falls chain in spring...late may     
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10/29/2010 10:40PM  
assuming raging water from assumed snow melt off....still safe to do? (ccw)
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distinguished member(2546)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/30/2010 10:06PM  
How much snow do you have?
10/30/2010 11:38PM  
Water levels should be good in late May - but the big push from the melt will be long gone. I've paddled the falls chain in extremely high water and did not feel overwhelmed running downstream. Upstream would have been much more difficult. I would not anticipate any difficulties unless break up is astonishingly late or May is tremendously wet.
11/19/2010 03:40PM  
Ditto to Banksiana.
distinguished member (436)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/19/2010 03:48PM  
be smart, have your paddle in hand when pushing off, be ready to paddle right away. be willing to portage a little further to get further away from the rapids.

The ranger will tell you the safe points to hit and go over the portage locations with you before you push off.

Falls chain is really cool btw, really neat area.

11/22/2010 11:53AM  
Most of what Janice will tell you regarding high water is on her map.

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