BWCA Trip Report - The Wind...Nothing but the Wind! Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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distinguished member (317)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/04/2007 05:19PM  
New Trip Report posted by CIIcanoe

Trip Name: The Wind...Nothing but the Wind!.

Entry Point: 41

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distinguished member(3470)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/04/2007 09:16PM  
Thanks for the report - knowing your limits is especially important when soloing.
03/05/2007 02:27AM  
Excellent report! I'm planning to take that route in June this year with a small group. I'm wondering if the hilly portages would have been any easier going the other direction. Any feedback?
distinguished member (317)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/05/2007 08:33PM  

I’m glad you liked the trip report.

It’s been several years since I did this trip. I wouldn’t be concerned on which way to go based upon the portages. I would be more concerned about the wind, especially in June when it tends to blow harder than say August.

I would leave your option open on which way to go until you arrive at the lake. If you can get across the lake the day you enter then I would do that and then when you cross the portage from South Temperance to the Brule on your way out then you can hung the south shore to the landing.

If you can’t get across the lake the day you enter then just do the route clockwise and just hope the wind isn’t too bad on your way out.

On steep portages I like to go up hill because I’m pretty sure of my footing before I can take a step. When going down steep portages I think it’s easier to lose your traction because of any number of reasons.

These are only my feelings and I don’t expect you or anyone to follow them. Everyone has different levels of experience. These are only my thoughts and I would hate to change someone’s mind in changing their plans.

What I would like is for you to let me know which way you go, what you thought and if you had a good time.

distinguished member (182)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/05/2007 10:00PM  
Nice report. Thanks for sharing it! We did essentially this route in reverse in 2003 - though we came out via town lake. I am impressed! We felt like we were moving doing the loop in four days - three is really cooking!

The wind on Brule can be brutal. I am glad you made it through this one safe and sound.

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