BWCA gasket for 30 L barrel Boundary Waters Gear Forum
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      gasket for 30 L barrel     
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distinguished member(634)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/18/2011 01:10PM  
Anyone know where to buy a replacement gasket for a 30 L barrel?
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distinguished member (479)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/18/2011 05:19PM  
Have you tried the stores that sell them.

distinguished member(634)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/18/2011 07:37PM  
quote jrlatt: "Have you tried the stores that sell them.


No luck. I can get the complete lids, or the metal rings, but not just the gaskets.
distinguished member (479)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/18/2011 09:03PM  
bummer. Sounds like you will have an extra top. On the bottom of my top there is "REXAM". Maybe you can google and find a distributor for the seal.

05/21/2011 09:07AM  
Would some soft rubber tubing work? You can find various diameters at hardware stores or Northern Tool. Not sure if this is what you want but it may work.
distinguished member (479)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/21/2011 11:40AM  
Mongo65 that does sound like it would work if you can get the right size. Instead of cutting a 90 and butt fitting which would leave a gap. I think it could be cutt at a 30 or 45 degree and ovelap. I would use my 50% of birthday coupon from Midwest and buy the lid. Middwest Mtn send out a birthday coupon of 50% off an item $20.00 or less or $10.00 off for more than $20.00. So what is the cost of just the lid?

05/21/2011 05:05PM  
jrlatt. I am not sure if you can buy just the lid. I would check the mfg for the barrel and contact them first. Recreational Barrel Works sells both the lids and the rings. I think they mean the metal outer rings though.
distinguished member (479)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/21/2011 07:23PM  
I don't know, I havn't tried. CanoeKev says He can get the complete lid, just not the seal. I am sure there is more than one manufacture of the 30L barrels and there lids may or may not be interchangeable. For the most part they are just heavy duty industrial containers that work well for our purposes.

member (32)member
01/30/2023 10:16PM  
Home brew stores have them for fermenters. Old thread, I know, but the next guy searching like I did last week now has a short cut.
01/31/2023 07:49AM  
Crashdavis: "Home brew stores have them for fermenters. Old thread, I know, but the next guy searching like I did last week now has a short cut."

Gaskets for homebrewing are for 5 gallon bucket fermenter lids. These lids are roughly 12 inches diameter, and may be as narrow as 10 inches. The opening diameter of a 30L barrel is also roughly 12 inches. However, the dimensions of a gasket need to be pretty exact to produce an airtight fit. Were you able to purchase a standalone gasket from a homebrew store, and did that gasket fit appropriately into the barrel lid?

Source: I have homebrewed for 15 years and found the 30L diameter on Recreational Barrel Works website.
member (32)member
01/31/2023 09:14AM  
I have the 60 liter barrel, 13" diameter. I found a white gasket that fit. I did not ask what it was for, just matched it to my lid. Maybe it was for a storage container?
distinguished member (265)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/22/2023 11:39AM  
I filled the lid grove of mine with silicone caulking.
distinguished member (297)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/22/2023 01:13PM  
Might be a little expensive, but a Cat Dealer can get almost any size o-ring. I am sure I would have had one left over from a kit that would have worked.

02/22/2023 01:35PM  
iCallitMaize: "I filled the lid grove of mine with silicone caulking. "

That is what I would suggest too. Maybe add a light coat of petroleum jelly with a small brush as a release agent and once cured you might even be able to remove it. I would be sure to use 100% silicone.
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