BWCA Trip Report - Summer 2011 Quetico Solo Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Summer 2011 Quetico Solo     



distinguished member(1758)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/22/2011 09:46PM  
New Trip Report posted by OldGreyGoose

Trip Name: Summer 2011 Quetico Solo.

Entry Point: Quetico

Click Here to View Trip Report
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08/22/2011 11:06PM  
Nice report, Thanks! sounded like a good time. We need to get up to Beaverhouse sometime I think. Guts
08/22/2011 11:14PM  
Great report!!! Very detailed. Being a weather geek,,I enjoyed your weather observations. I noticed your barometer reports seemed to be consistently low.-- Almost like it was not calibrated with your altimeter or height above sea level. 4-5-6 day stretches of barometer readings below 29.40 " of HG are almost unheard of in this part of the country.(really anywhere in the USA outside the Aleutians in the wintertime). More likely you were in the 29.70" to 30.10" of HG range. It's really not a big deal as it does give trends,, but not match up well with other observations taking in the area. It looks as if you traveled from a lower elevation to the Q with a higher elevation-- my guess is about 500-750' in difference. Either way-- a simple calibration of your instrument and you will be spot on.-- Sorry for the rant.
distinguished member(1758)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/23/2011 06:49AM  
No, I think you're right . . . it's a Lacross wristwatch barometer . . . probably needs calibrating . . . need to find the book. But for just watching for changes/up/down it's been reliable. --ogg
distinguished member (238)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/23/2011 11:35AM  
Thanks for the report. It sounds like a wonderful time. I've never been there yet, but expect to in the next few years.
distinguished member(1758)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/23/2011 01:39PM  
quote misqua: "I've never been there yet, but expect to in the next few years."
Misqua, If you need a push in that direction, let me know! --Goose
distinguished member (268)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/23/2011 04:15PM  
Nice report. I like your "come what may" attitude as you worked around your back issue. I highly recommend a daily yoga/stretching regime to nip that in the bud.
distinguished member(1284)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/23/2011 06:36PM  
Really enjoyed your report. Thanks!
distinguished member(1758)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/23/2011 07:23PM  
quote Bushwacker: "Nice report. I like your "come what may" attitude as you worked around your back issue. I highly recommend a daily yoga/stretching regime to nip that in the bud."
Thanks! I've worked on my "attitude" a lot in Quetico and have it fairly well-honed. I think (know, really) that has improved my attitude at home as well. There's a lot to be gained by getting to know yourself/limitations/strengths/weaknesses in a wilderness environment that carries over to your life "back in the world." And I HAVE a stretching regime -- I just forget, or stop using it when my back isn't acting up. (I know better, but still . . . gotta work on that!)
distinguished member(2471)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/25/2011 07:02AM  
This was a very enjoyable read. Thank you.
08/25/2011 07:56AM  
Thanks for the report, I enjoyed it and the pictures, too. I hope to get to the "Q" sometime, but for now it's the BW. I've been having the same kind of back trouble, which is a new thing for me, and I've been worried about my upcoming solo. Your report does give me some hope that I'll be able to "manage".
distinguished member(1758)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/25/2011 10:36AM  
quote WhiteWolf: "Great report!!! Very detailed. Being a weather geek, . . . 4-5-6 day stretches of barometer readings below 29.40 " of HG are almost unheard of in this part of the country.(really anywhere in the USA outside the Aleutians in the wintertime). More likely you were in the 29.70" to 30.10" of HG range. It looks as if you traveled from a lower elevation to the Q with a higher elevation-- my guess is about 500-750' in difference."
My home elevation is indeed around 750' different from Quetico's. I have adjusted the readings in the report accordingly. Thanks, WhiteWolf. --Goose
distinguished member(1758)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/25/2011 10:39AM  
quote boonie: "Thanks for the report, I enjoyed it and the pictures, too. I hope to get to the "Q" sometime, but for now it's the BW. I've been having the same kind of back trouble, which is a new thing for me, and I've been worried about my upcoming solo. Your report does give me some hope that I'll be able to "manage"."
Boonie, I have a set of stretching exercises prescribed by a physical therapist. Many of them stretch the leg and hip muscles which are very important for the lower back. Check on YouTube and you might find some that will help. --Goose
08/25/2011 12:43PM  
OldGreyGoose - this is a beautiful trip report - I felt like I was there. I know how much work goes into putting together a trip report like this - thanks for sharing it with us. Enjoyed your photography as well.
08/25/2011 04:17PM  
quote OldGreyGoose: "
quote boonie: "Thanks for the report, I enjoyed it and the pictures, too. I hope to get to the "Q" sometime, but for now it's the BW. I've been having the same kind of back trouble, which is a new thing for me, and I've been worried about my upcoming solo. Your report does give me some hope that I'll be able to "manage"."
Boonie, I have a set of stretching exercises prescribed by a physical therapist. Many of them stretch the leg and hip muscles which are very important for the lower back. Check on YouTube and you might find some that will help. --Goose"

Yeah, I have a set of stretches and exercises, Goose, and like you, I do them for a while until things are better, then I just kind of get out of the habit until it starts acting up again. I think I'll just have to be diligent about them up and through my trip. That and take plenty of pills and heat patches in with me :).
distinguished member(1758)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/26/2011 11:48AM  
quote alpine525: "OldGreyGoose - this is a beautiful trip report - I felt like I was there. I know how much work goes into putting together a trip report like this - thanks for sharing it with us. Enjoyed your photography as well."
Alpine: Yep, it is a bit of work. (Labor of love?) This one took longer than the others, can't figure why. Glad you liked it, that's why I do them! --Goose
08/26/2011 01:27PM  
Great report Goose! Either you took a voice recorder along or you have an excellent memory. So many details were included. I did my first solo 8/1 to 8/4 and because of the heat was also filtering over a gallon of water a day. Thanks for sharing your story and pictures. Very enjoyable.
distinguished member(4445)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/31/2011 01:14PM  
i spent many years in the Q but never went that far north,those big lakes looked to be too much for a solo trip but you made out very well.
another great story,no two ever seem to be the same!
09/07/2011 03:15PM  
Your conversation-like style makes this report enjoyable reading. Almost like sitting down and listening to you talk about the trip.

I've been through Beaverhouse and Quetico Lakes twice, both times paddling up the Namakan and Quetico Rivers to get there and circling back through Jean and Sturgeon and out the Maligne River in a big loop, so didn't have time to stop and enjoy these two lakes. Your report did that for me. Thanks.
09/07/2011 08:17PM  
I had another thought on this report. It intrigued me that ogg didn't eat his fish, preferring freeze-dried meals.

I hardly ever fish any other time of the year except on my trips to Quetico, where, even I, a mediocre fisherman, can catch fish regularly. But, the major factor is the taste of fresh fried fish. There's nothing quit like it. It's the food of kings.

This leads me to my thought. There seems to be three kinds of trip reports. Those of people who don't fish (Ho Ho), people who fish, but don't eat (ogg), and people who fish and eat (fishguts & I).

I love these meals.
distinguished member(3141)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/11/2011 08:35PM  
Nice report as always Goose. I will use it for future planning.
distinguished member(1758)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/12/2011 07:41PM  
quote rr: "I had another thought on this report. It intrigued me that ogg didn't eat his fish, preferring freeze-dried meals. "

rr: Actually not a matter of "preferring" but a matter of TIMING. I love fresh-fried fish! --Goose
distinguished member(1758)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/12/2011 07:46PM  
quote rr: "I've been through Beaverhouse and Quetico Lakes twice, both times paddling up the Namakan and Quetico Rivers to get there and circling back through Jean and Sturgeon and out the Maligne River in a big loop, so didn't have time to stop and enjoy these two lakes. Your report did that for me. Thanks."
rr: how did you like the 2 rivers? Do you remember any campsites? I am thinking about looping from BH counterclockwise up through Bearpelt, etc. in 2012. --Goose
10/08/2011 10:47AM  
The winning report! Way to go. I am bumping this up so I can come back to read it later tonight! I've been scolded for sitting in front of my lap top all morning - so I need to go do my chores! I will be back!
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