BWCA Citronella candles Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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distinguished member (200)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/09/2007 08:15AM  
Do citronella candles work in the BW? Aren't they supposed to ward off bugs? Has anyone used one there before?

Just something to use in the evenings while we are at camp puttering around.

Could the smell possibly attract a bear?
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distinguished member(6284)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
07/09/2007 08:38AM  
I've never brought any-but I suppose they would work. I am not sure if they would attract bears.

For me it is one more thing to carry. I alreay have the bug dope, long sleeves, long pants and my hat which I have to bring anyway. The bugs usually are not a big problem until dusk or after dark anyway. A smoky fire (if one is allowed) works well to ward off bugs, but I find by 9-10:00 when the sun finally goes down I'm getting ready to go to bed anyway after either a long day of paddling or exploring.

I'd say don't bother with the candle and use other techniques to ward off the bugs. I usually find by Mid-July and later they are not a big deal anyway.
distinguished member (200)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/09/2007 09:06AM  
We will be going up in August so hopefully they will be an after thought by then.

distinguished member(6284)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
07/09/2007 09:08AM  
Typically by August bugs are not big problem.

I often have brought the bug dope in Late-July and August and never used it. Cool evenings keep the bugs down after the sun drops below the horizon. About an hour before sundown until dusk they can be annoying but never "drive me to the tent" bad. Once the sun goes down completely and the temperature starts to drop the bugs head for the woods leaving your lakeside campsite pretty bug free.

Choose campsites that take advanatge of west-SW breezes and are not enclosed among lots of trees or are in low swampy areas. The breezes and openness of the campsite will allow for those cool evening breezes to keep the bugs down.
distinguished member(3480)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/09/2007 10:05AM  
another thing that might work is one of those mosquito coils; just clip a clothespin on it to hold it, and light it up. Doesn't take hardly any space in the pack.
07/09/2007 10:18AM  
citronella candles work great....if you hover over them like a moth.

IMO...they arent worth a damn. if youre worried about bugs...spend the money on good head nets.

senior member (73)senior membersenior member
07/09/2007 11:10AM  
I tried them in a Candle Lantern and not only didn't it work very well with bugs, it was extremely messy compared to the paraffin dripless 9-hour candles. So I guess I'm not a big fan :-/
07/09/2007 12:32PM  
The independent tests that I've read indicate citronella candles are not effective in repelling insects. Besides that, they stink!
distinguished member (200)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/09/2007 07:04PM  
Thanks, looks like I won't be needing one of those.

Leaves room for other stuff!
08/27/2023 11:47AM  
Thanks -- this answered my question without me having to even ask it here. I'll leave them home!
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