BWCA Trip Report - August 2012 Man Chain Trip -- Part 2 Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - August 2012 Man Chain Trip -- Part 2     

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distinguished member(1758)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/06/2012 03:58PM  
New Trip Report posted by OldGreyGoose

Trip Name: August 2012 Man Chain Trip -- Part 2.

Entry Point: Quetico

Click Here to View Trip Report
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09/09/2012 12:28PM  
Enjoyed both parts of your trip report! We entered Moose on August 27th for a week and although the weather was beautiful, in my opinion it was way too warm. Wednesday, August 29th was unbearable! Spent time in the water and after that, time in the shade. We didn't paddle that day - just laid low and relaxed. Thanks for putting your trip report together so quickly. We are still cleaning up our gear and haven't had a chance to get started on our report.
distinguished member(1758)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/10/2012 03:34PM  
We were laid over on Carp on the 29th, so we did pretty much the same as you. It was very hot. Glad I wasn't portaging that day. Yes, I did my report in record time (for me) and some of my gear is still not sorted out or put away. =) Looking forward to yours. --Goose
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