BWCA Acts- in the story Boundary Waters Group Forum: Soul Space
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      Acts- in the story     
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distinguished member(632)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/13/2012 09:39PM  
The last couple weeks I've gone back to a church I used to attend in Maple Grove, MN- Church of the Open Door. The pastors just finished a three year series of Colossians and just started a series on the book of Acts. I think the point made so far that has stuck with me was that the book of Acts is not just "a" story, or "the story of the early church", it's OUR story. The question is how will you let this story in? This weekend was the introduction of the Holy Spirit as the power behind this epic journey and the question of how do we need the Holy Spirit make our dry bones come alive. Jesus told his followers in Acts 1 to "wait" for the gift of the Holy Spirit and we're going to talk about what that means in the coming weeks.

I think the best place to "wait" on the Holy Spirit is in the BWCA.

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11/24/2012 08:57AM  
So Tobie, how was the series on Acts. My 40 day trip was a prayer trip. I read a lot too while out there and spent some time in Acts. The church I was praying for believes (as I do) they are an Acts 1:8 movement. Only four years old they've planted just one church and working on a second now. They work toward conversion growth vs transfer growth and try hard to get everyone plugged into a small group we call life groups.

Would love to hear what you've gained from the series on Acts.

distinguished member(632)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/24/2012 03:08PM  
Hey Nctry,

It's Church of the Open Door in Maple Grove. When I'm not there I download the podcast on iTunes and listen to it in the car. The last message I listened to was one on when the Spirit came down in Acts 2 on the day of Pentecost. The message described how Pentecost is the celebration of the first fruits of the harvest. Farmers in Israel would plant crops in phases- some would be ready very early, others would come in the months to come. The coming of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2 was first fruits. It was only the beginning. Lots to look forward to.

distinguished member(632)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/25/2012 03:03PM  

I was thinking about you in church this morning and was wondering if we could hear more about your trip and the ways you experienced God on it. Your thoughts?
Red Solo
member (33)member
12/11/2012 07:27PM  
Tobie... Thanks for sharing your thoughts. We just wrapped up a series based on Acts and took an interesting approach... started at the end of ACTs and worked our way to Acts 1. The teaching was terrific and I gained new insight. There is so much to learn. One item in particular that I need to work on is to be an Acts 2 person. That is, be guided by the Holy Spirit and to spread the word.

Nctry... 40 day prayer trip! I admire you. Was the 40 days purposely chosen to experience Jesus' 40 days/nights in the desert? Hopefully you didn't have a Noah experience!!
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