BWCA stuffing Boundary Waters BWCA Food and Recipes
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03/02/2013 06:35PM  
So I was helping the wife for dinner tonight and made some stuffing, gave me an idea, will work great for the BW, but what to make with it?

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distinguished member (248)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/02/2013 06:49PM  
Love it when camping. I add in the chicken foil packets. With some veggies on the side.
03/02/2013 06:57PM  
Stuffed trout is delicious. You could always pair it with dehydrated/freeze dried/pouch chicken with some gravy mix and instant mashed potatoes as well. Those foods all lend themselves well to camp cooking. I love my mashed potatoes with gravy and stuffing... even without the turkey.
distinguished member(8700)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
03/02/2013 08:12PM  
We usually do a night of foil pack chicken, instant gravey, and stove top dressing. Freeze dried peas or corn on the side. Very satisfying.
distinguished member (105)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/03/2013 10:54AM  
Chicken, stuffing & gravy with biscuits for 2 is one of our go-to meals:

I can chicken dehydrated
1/4 can cream of celery soup dehydrated
Stove top stuffing-enough to make for 2 (2 cups prepared)
Mix of dehydrated veggies-corn, peas, green beans etc.
Bisquik garlic & cheddar biscuits

Rehydrate the chicken, soup & veggies together. I use a fair share mug and put it together at breakfast.
Make biscuits, set aside & keep warm.
Make the stuffing-boil water & turn off, add stuffing & let sit for a minute. Add the rest, stir, heat for a minute & eat.

Originally I tried powdered gravy mix, but didn't like campmate doesn't like mushrooms, so cream of mushroom soup was out. Cream of celery works nice. Tried this at home first without the veggies, but it wasn't filling enough. Bulked up with the veggies it's like chicken pot pie.
distinguished member(2850)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/03/2013 03:33PM  
quote Swampblaze10: "Chicken, stuffing & gravy with biscuits for 2 is one of our go-to meals:

I can chicken dehydrated
1/4 can cream of celery soup dehydrated
Stove top stuffing-enough to make for 2 (2 cups prepared)
Mix of dehydrated veggies-corn, peas, green beans etc.
Bisquik garlic & cheddar biscuits

Rehydrate the chicken, soup & veggies together. I use a fair share mug and put it together at breakfast.
Make biscuits, set aside & keep warm.
Make the stuffing-boil water & turn off, add stuffing & let sit for a minute. Add the rest, stir, heat for a minute & eat.

Originally I tried powdered gravy mix, but didn't like campmate doesn't like mushrooms, so cream of mushroom soup was out. Cream of celery works nice. Tried this at home first without the veggies, but it wasn't filling enough. Bulked up with the veggies it's like chicken pot pie."

This sounds really good. My kids aren't 100% sold on stuffing but I think that they might go for this. Thanks for the recipe.
distinguished member(8700)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
03/03/2013 03:55PM  
I thought something like the advertise at KFC - mashed potatoes, chicken gravy, vegetables, and cheese on top - might be good and appeal to kids.
distinguished member (105)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/03/2013 04:12PM  
You bet, anytime...I realized after I posted that not everyone has access to a dehydrator. So I wanted to give some additional info in case someone needed it. You can substitute the self dehydrated items with a foil pack of chicken & powdered gravy mix. Dehydrated veggies are now sold individually at REI type stores. They are nice because you can pick & choose your veggies according to your taste & make your own mix.

We also use Cache Lake's fryin pan bread instead of the biscuits sometimes.

We have tried about 6 flavors, all very good & easy to make.
distinguished member (358)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/06/2013 08:55PM  
quote Swampblaze10: "Chicken, stuffing & gravy with biscuits for 2 is one of our go-to meals:

I can chicken dehydrated
1/4 can cream of celery soup dehydrated
Stove top stuffing-enough to make for 2 (2 cups prepared)
Mix of dehydrated veggies-corn, peas, green beans etc.
Bisquik garlic & cheddar biscuits

Rehydrate the chicken, soup & veggies together. I use a fair share mug and put it together at breakfast.
Make biscuits, set aside & keep warm.
Make the stuffing-boil water & turn off, add stuffing & let sit for a minute. Add the rest, stir, heat for a minute & eat.

Originally I tried powdered gravy mix, but didn't like campmate doesn't like mushrooms, so cream of mushroom soup was out. Cream of celery works nice. Tried this at home first without the veggies, but it wasn't filling enough. Bulked up with the veggies it's like chicken pot pie."

Ok, ok, ok....

How do you get the canned chicken to re-hydrate????

Every time we have tried, it always comes out tough, or like rubber!!!

It's edable, but we are always looking to improve.

senior member (91)senior membersenior member
03/08/2013 08:06AM  
Either use foil pouch chicken or prepare to rehydrate the chicken all day long. Patience my friend...
03/08/2013 10:16AM  
I always wondered if you could dehydrate cream soup. Now I know. About how long does it take? Does it dry to a leather like consistency or more like powder?
distinguished member (105)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/08/2013 01:25PM  
quote TomP: "I always wondered if you could dehydrate cream soup. Now I know. About how long does it take? Does it dry to a leather like consistency or more like powder?

It works just like sauce, applesauce or anything else that is liquid. It ends up more leather like-then I use a kitchen shears to cut it into portions. I approximate six servings/meals per can of soup for my chicken & stuffing meal for two. Break it up or process it in a food processor-or prepare to rehydrate it for a while if its a big chunk. I put dinner together in a fair share mug at breakfast and place it in our food barrel or if we are staying my hanging wet bag. I also vacuum seal or ziplock. I use a timer attached to my dehydrator since mine doesn't have one. I usually check it every hour or so till its completely dry. I don't remember how long it took last time I made it. Each soup has its own consistency, I wouldn't want to tell you a time and have it be off. Start out with 2-3 hours & check on it. Make sure to grease your solid sheets well with vegetable oil before spreading on the soup. I believe the last time i did it, a whole can fit on one sheet- i have a round machine. Spread your can of soup on thinly & evenly.

**Okay...I looked up dehydrating creamed canned soup -Laurie Ann March-A fork in the recipe says 7-10 hours, the other 5-10 hours. I am thinking it was closer to 10.

I have even dehydrated yogurt, it makes a nice fruit roll up style snack, chewy & creamy.
distinguished member (105)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/08/2013 01:57PM  

Ok, ok, ok....

How do you get the canned chicken to re-hydrate????

Every time we have tried, it always comes out tough, or like rubber!!!

It's edable, but we are always looking to improve.


Make sure when you place the canned chicken on the trays to pull the pieces apart so it looks like crab meat. Stay away from big chunks. The smaller the shreds, the easier it is it rehydrate. I put what I need together at breakfast in a fairshare mug, just covered with water. It either goes in the food barrel or if staying put in my wet bag. If its still tough by dinner time, heating the chicken & water and letting it steep helps too. This can help it to hurry along much faster than just cold water. :). Anytime!
distinguished member (358)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/08/2013 07:51PM  
quote Swampblaze10: "

Ok, ok, ok....

How do you get the canned chicken to re-hydrate????

Every time we have tried, it always comes out tough, or like rubber!!!

It's edable, but we are always looking to improve.


Make sure when you place the canned chicken on the trays to pull the pieces apart so it looks like crab meat. Stay away from big chunks. The smaller the shreds, the easier it is it rehydrate. I put what I need together at breakfast in a fairshare mug, just covered with water. It either goes in the food barrel or if staying put in my wet bag. If its still tough by dinner time, heating the chicken & water and letting it steep helps too. This can help it to hurry along much faster than just cold water. :). Anytime!"

Thanks for the insight. We obviously don't re-hydrate chicken long enough. With most of our dehydrated meals, we add boiling water to the item, then seal it tight in a zip lock, and put that in a pot with a lid that is insulated with armaflex.

We are usually fully re-hydrated in a couple of hours... chicken must just take longer!!

Thanks, for the insight.
distinguished member(2850)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/08/2013 09:18PM  
quote Swampblaze10: "
quote TomP: "I always wondered if you could dehydrate cream soup. Now I know. About how long does it take? Does it dry to a leather like consistency or more like powder?

It works just like sauce, applesauce or anything else that is liquid. It ends up more leather like-then I use a kitchen shears to cut it into portions. I approximate six servings/meals per can of soup for my chicken & stuffing meal for two. Break it up or process it in a food processor-or prepare to rehydrate it for a while if its a big chunk. I put dinner together in a fair share mug at breakfast and place it in our food barrel or if we are staying my hanging wet bag. I also vacuum seal or ziplock. I use a timer attached to my dehydrator since mine doesn't have one. I usually check it every hour or so till its completely dry. I don't remember how long it took last time I made it. Each soup has its own consistency, I wouldn't want to tell you a time and have it be off. Start out with 2-3 hours & check on it. Make sure to grease your solid sheets well with vegetable oil before spreading on the soup. I believe the last time i did it, a whole can fit on one sheet- i have a round machine. Spread your can of soup on thinly & evenly.

I have even dehydrated yogurt, it makes a nice fruit roll up style snack, chewy & creamy. "

This is so timely. I was just going to do a search on whether I could dehydrate the corn chowder I made. Thanks for the pointers.

Also, never thought to try yogurt! Putting that tip away for later use.
distinguished member (105)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/09/2013 10:08AM  
Corn chowder...mmm. When I first started dehydrating I bought a bunch of great recipe books. The best advice I got from each of them is to take a serving from any leftovers you might have from dinner and put it in the machine and see what happens. I made pea soup a while ago and froze a hefty serving, I'm going to try that next. How I got thru my whole life without trying pea soup till I made it for a friend, I will never know..nobody told me it was all about the ham.
distinguished member(2850)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/09/2013 01:00PM  
I love split pea soup but it doesn't love me. I make it anytime we buy a ham for a holiday, but I would have to sleep in a solo tent if I ate in camp!
distinguished member(3004)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/10/2013 10:44PM  
Back to topic...spam singles and dehydrated onions are a good partner to stuffing.
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