BWCA filtered water Boundary Waters BWCA Food and Recipes
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distinguished member (131)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/20/2013 09:30PM  
Does anyone here filters water for coffee or cooking? Does it make a difference?
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distinguished member(706)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/20/2013 09:41PM  
Don't drink coffee but we do filter our cooking water. Just mainly to get the floaties out.
03/20/2013 11:02PM  
Yeah, I just use the water I filter to drink for my coffee and food too. It's no extra work since I use a gravity filter and do 4 liters at a time. And I like to get the floaties out too.
distinguished member(2850)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/20/2013 11:10PM  
I filter all water we use except for washing, that we boil.
distinguished member (131)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/21/2013 08:28AM  
That is lot of work. Time consuming.
03/21/2013 09:14AM  
I don't know about luft, but it's not terribly time-consuming for me with my gravity filter. I just fill the dirty water bag, hang, connect, and go do other things. Later I have 4 liters of filtered water. It's easy and quick to repeat. It doesn't take much time for something I consider necessary.

But I don't need water for washing dishes, which I don't spend time doing. I also don't spend much time making fires and all the attendant firewood gathering and preparation. I don't consider fires necessary, although I sometimes have one for ambience.
03/21/2013 12:24PM  
I agree with Boonie, we filter all of our water, even wash water, only because of our gravity 4L system.
distinguished member (153)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/21/2013 02:12PM  
All of our water is filtered. Like what has been said before, 4L (x2) gravity filters make quick work of it. Every time we go out on the water, we bring some back to camp.
distinguished member(2850)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/24/2013 10:38PM  
quote Rambler_Dog: "Luft,
That is lot of work. Time consuming.

I filter with a gravity filter so not much work there. We don't "cook" much so dishes are pretty minimal. Bowls and coffee/tea mugs for breakfast and bowls for dinner. I start a pan of water boiling as soon as the meal water is done so it boils while we eat. Then it is ready when we are done to wash up.

I tend to travel in cold weather and like to have warm water for washing otherwise I would just use filtered.
03/26/2013 07:54AM  
We use pump filters for drinking water. The rest of the water we use gets stored in 4 gallon plastic jugs. I treat that water with a little Polar Pure (iodine crystals). Using the jug, the water comes out at the bottom from a spigot, and the floaties stay on top, so they never get into the cooking water. Pretty simple.

distinguished member(8700)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
03/26/2013 12:36PM  
I pump for drinking and food that doesn't get heated to boiling. Pasta, sauces, and food that will simmer, and all final rinse water is boiled. I don't care about wash and cold rinse - lake water fine - - just final rinse is boiled, which helps air drying. All on my MSR Dragonfly.
Savage Voyageur
distinguished member(14452)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
03/26/2013 12:58PM  
If I am using the water for cooking or coffee I do not filter it.
distinguished member(1069)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/30/2013 05:08AM  
I always take my coffee water from the lake. Everything else is filtered. I also use a gravity system which produces plenty of filtered water for all uses, but old habits are hard to break.
04/06/2013 03:34PM  
We use two gravity filters and Collect in three sun showers for ease of use around camp. We use filtered water for every thing.
distinguished member (248)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/07/2013 07:01PM  
Always filtering all my water, a person never knows what in the water. Did a backpack trip out on the Isle Royal once, they said a person had to filter all your water, cause iodine didnt do it, and boiling may not kill everything
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