BWCA Knorr bearnaise mix Boundary Waters BWCA Food and Recipes
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      Knorr bearnaise mix     



05/27/2013 02:44PM  
been wanting to try this, we took in 2 knorr bearnaise sauce mix( i also bought in 1pt of milk but instant milk will work) boiled up some chunked lake trout poured the bearnaise sauce over it then after that we fire grilled hams slice with flat bread and more bearnaise sauce on that. it was spectacular, one of the best meals i ever ate in the BW
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Savage Voyageur
distinguished member(14452)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
05/27/2013 06:38PM  
That sounds so good. I will try to remember this.
05/29/2013 05:03PM  
I have used the knorr bearnaise mix at home with fish before and it has been good. Haven't taken it tripping yet.
05/29/2013 07:30PM  
my buddy just dropped off my canoe, and we commented on how good this meal was. in the cold rain/wind we wolfed that s*** down like it was our last meal LOL. it will be on every trip i do now, and if you can fillet northern boneless i think that would be just as good. put it on the list SV.and the flat bread,its already flat :)
distinguished member(646)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/17/2013 05:24AM  
quote keth0601: "I have used the knorr bearnaise mix at home with fish before and it has been good. Haven't taken it tripping yet."

Just tried this recently. It will definitely be making the next trip.
02/27/2014 04:29PM  
just bump'n my own thread here, but we had a package of sunnies/crappies in the freezer it was time to eat them. did a boil with bearnaise sauce on top. next time i'm going to add some rice on the side and drizzle some bearnaise over that, could even add some chunks of fried ham to that ? oh yes try it my friends :)
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