BWCA Trip Report - One of the shortest Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - One of the shortest     



08/19/2013 09:53PM  
New Trip Report posted by cdschlosser

Trip Name: One of the shortest.

Entry Point: 68

Click Here to View Trip Report
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member (43)member
09/10/2013 09:11PM  
Glad you were safe, what a bummer about the trip.
senior member (65)senior membersenior member
09/11/2013 01:02PM  
Why not just swing up to West Pike?
distinguished member(3694)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/11/2013 02:46PM  
I wasn't sure if your trip was short or your trip report. I guess both were short.
09/11/2013 04:47PM  
well, now, that's a bummer!
did they get the bear?
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