BWCA Daily Devotional Website Boundary Waters Group Forum: Soul Space
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Arkansas Man
distinguished member(3780)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/25/2014 09:50AM  
At the beginning of the year I was looking for a website or a devotional book to help me with my daily devotions. My wife had bought me " The Joshua Code" devotional to help me to learn scripture throughout the year. But I also received this website through an email.

It has been a joy to read and use, it has scripture, a worshi song to go along with the scripture as well as the devotional, and guided prayer for yourself.

Another thing I did was start a Bible Study with a group at my church. We are doing a book called, The Sampson Syndrome, 12 Reasons Why Strong Men Fail. Very enlightening book and study!

God Bless,
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distinguished member(632)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/25/2014 06:29PM  
Arkansas Man, thanks for the reference for a devotional! That looks interesting. A few years ago I used the Jesus Calling book by Sarah Young, and now use the Jesus Today book by Sarah Young. It includes the Scripture passages. I try to read a chapter of the Bible each day too- I'm in Hebrews right now. I think when I get through Revelation I might try that website you referenced.
01/28/2014 01:14PM  
Thanks for the book tip.

The mens group at my church just finished Kyle Idlemen's book called "not a fan" and now we are going through his other book called "gods at war." I would highly recommend these two books.
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