BWCA Dehydrator trays Boundary Waters BWCA Food and Recipes
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      Dehydrator trays     



distinguished member (452)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/04/2014 03:41PM  
I'd like to try dehydrating some sauce but my racks are wire with 1/2" openings. Do I have to buy the Excaliber Paraflexx sheets or are there other options? The racks for my dehydrator are roughly 16 1/4" by 14 1/4".
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distinguished member (284)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/04/2014 04:14PM  
I have used parchment paper and have also seen saran wrap used to cover the tray.
03/04/2014 04:20PM  
Parchment paper worked well for me when I did sauce.
03/04/2014 05:01PM  
The Paraflexx is SO over priced from Excaliber- but I did find the sheets elsewhere for much better prices-

This one claims to be more "natural" if silicone can be that...KSO DIrect

This is where I bought my sheets-
Amazon- Exclaiber Dehydrator Sheets
distinguished member (452)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/04/2014 05:35PM  
I think I'll try the parchment paper. That will give me an Inexpensive way to experiment. Thanks for the tip I would not have guessed that would work. The Excaliber stuff does seem pretty expensive and It looks like you need to buy Nine sheets at a time. I think they have a no return policy to. That scared me off from buying one of their units.
distinguished member(4987)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
03/04/2014 06:16PM  
Another one for Parchment paper. I use it a lot for leathers and etc.
distinguished member(4400)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
03/04/2014 08:27PM  
+4 or +5 for parchment paper
distinguished member(8700)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
03/05/2014 06:59AM  
+6 just use it on every tray for everything.
distinguished member (228)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/05/2014 10:11AM  
quote ripple: "The Paraflexx is SO over priced from Excaliber- but I did find the sheets elsewhere for much better prices-


This is where I bought my sheets-
Amazon- Exclaiber Dehydrator Sheets "

+1 Here is a link to a 5 pack for a bit less money that I bought;

Amazon cheap dehydrator sheet 5 pack

I tried parchment paper and thought it was a complete hassle. Cutting the paper down so it fit, having it twist and roll from having been on the dispenser roll, plus the sheets above seem easier to peel leathers off of.

I had to cut the above sheets down to size (i think my trays are 12*12) but only once. They were alittle rolly when they arrived but after a few uses they lay perfectly flat since I wipe them clean when done and hang them on the basement clothsline to dry.
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