BWCA apple foiled treat Boundary Waters BWCA Food and Recipes
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      apple foiled treat     



03/19/2014 07:51PM  
i've heard about this, has anyone tried them.. you core an apple stuff it with cinnamon/sugar maybe butter ? wrap it on foil put it on coals.
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distinguished member(637)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/19/2014 08:39PM  
Core the apple out and use brown sugar and butter. Wrap in foil and place next to the coals. make sure that you place the apple up so the sugar and butter just don't spill out into the foil, but instead sort of "soak" into the apple.
But don't limit yourself to apples, plums done like this are sinful. Also lets not forget that over looked root that works great for camping fire cooking the sweet potato.
distinguished member(4987)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
03/20/2014 08:32AM  
+1 on these. We used to do them in Boy Scouts on campouts. The boys loved them. So used to mix in some granola with it after to make like an apple crisp out of it.
distinguished member(8700)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
03/20/2014 10:28AM  
Kind of hijacking thread but baked bananas are hard to beat on a camp out. Slit the inside of the curve peel and all, wedge in some chocolate - Hershey bars being the classic - wrap all in foil with slit up and peel pulled as tight together as the foil allows. About 10 minutes on coals. Eat with a spoon, scooping out the banana and chocolate.

03/20/2014 12:36PM  
quote shock: "i've heard about this, has anyone tried them.. you core an apple stuff it with cinnamon/sugar maybe butter ? wrap it on foil put it on coals. "

We do this all the time and it's very good. Try putting nuts in with the other stuff.
distinguished member(903)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/20/2014 01:55PM  
I saw this recipe online a little while back and thought it sounded good! Thank you for reminding me as I had forgotten and didn't have it on our menu for our June trip.
03/20/2014 07:47PM  
thanks for all your reply's much appreciated.
distinguished member (232)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/20/2014 10:12PM  
HammerII Tell me more about the sweet potato
distinguished member(4987)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
03/21/2014 07:18AM  
My wife loves Pecans with it.
distinguished member(4987)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
03/21/2014 07:18AM  
quote PlumberDave: "HammerII Tell me more about the sweet potato"

Baked Sweet potatos are great with brown sugar and cinamon on it with lots of butter. Again they are great with Pecans on it also. Just wrap in some foil and put down in the coals. Bake till tender.
Savage Voyageur
distinguished member(14452)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
03/21/2014 08:40PM  
I learned how to do this in Boy Scouts. We still do these every so often.
03/22/2014 06:19PM  
quote OldFingers57: "+1 on these. We used to do them in Boy Scouts on campouts. The boys loved them. So used to mix in some granola with it after to make like an apple crisp out of it. "

This sounds incredible. Thanks.
distinguished member(637)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/23/2014 12:49PM  
quote PlumberDave: "HammerII Tell me more about the sweet potato"

Take a sweet potato and stick it a few times so it doesn't explode and double wrap in foil. From there you can bury them in a fire, place to the side of the fire or on a grate over the fire. Turn the ones that aren't buried to ensure even cooking.
When you can squeeze the foil and the potato gives remove from fire and add brown sugar, butter/gee or my favorite maple syrup. Its a pretty dang good meal for a lay over rainy evening.

For extra credit bury a few under the evening fire to use in breakfast fixings. Mash a few, add some bisquit and powdered milk for sweet potato's pancakes. make a couple of extras for later in the day with a squirt or two of honey for lunch or trail snack.

For all the folks rolling their eyes over sweet potatos they dry like a champ and a meal of spicy dried pork and dried sweet potato's with a bit of maple syrup and ground chili's is god sent.
member (6)member
03/24/2014 11:00AM  
I might have to try these this summer! my friend told me to try it last summer (he's an eagle scout I think he said) and I meant to try it then but forgot to pick up the stuff. This summer we are going to BWCA for the first time and he's coming with us, so I might have to try it out, he said they are really good :)
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