BWCA Dehydrated apple pie filling Boundary Waters BWCA Food and Recipes
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      Dehydrated apple pie filling     
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distinguished member (452)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/01/2014 01:22PM  
Got an Idea after looking at the home canned food in our basement and saw these quart jars of apple Pie filling. In one of Cliff Jacobson's books he describes rehydrating apples with brown sugar to form a sauce then pouring it on top of tortillas for a desert. So I thought why not run the pie filling through the blender, dehydrate and use that because it has all the sugar and spices already in it. I can add some dehydrated apples when I rehydrate to bring it back to the original sauce and apple mix.

I've got two quarts in the dehydrator right now and the house is really starting to smell good.
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distinguished member(637)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/01/2014 04:17PM  
hmmmmm got to see how this one turns out. I love dried apples and brown sugar for a pick me up treat in the wilds.
distinguished member(4987)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/01/2014 07:17PM  
It should work fine as what you are basically doing is dehydrating apple sauce, which is how I used to make fruit leather for my son. Apple sauce + Jello for flavoring = Fruit leather.
04/01/2014 07:35PM  
Keep in mind that the resulting consistency may be more sticky and moist than if you were dehydrating just apples. Especially if there is added sugar, corn syrup, or pectin.
04/02/2014 03:02AM  
I dehydrated some applesauce for our WCPP trip last year and they were a big hit with the crew, did them into leathers. The unsweetened one weren't sticky whereas the ones with sugar were, my middle son tore off a chunk of the flavored ones, rolled it up and put it into his life jacket pocket, when he took it out it had collected some small pieces of pine bark, needles and some pocket lint, he simply swished it in the lake and popped it in his mouth, and remarked "hey we're roughing it Dad"
distinguished member (452)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/02/2014 07:17AM  
The filling was still sticky when done. I gave it some extra time trying to be sure it was dry enough. Looks good though and still tastes great too. It came off the parchment paper in full sheets. I guess I'll roll it before putting it in food saver bags and vacume sealing it. The sealer seems to squish everything into a roll anyway and I think the filling will rehydrate pretty easy.

Those small bits of pine needle were no match for a good appetite.

I keep thinking of vanilla wafers lining the bottom and sides of a cup filled with pie filling and crushed wafers added on top. I'm going to have to try to vacume seal some wafers for the trip.

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