BWCA How Long is Fresh? Boundary Waters BWCA Food and Recipes
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   BWCA Food and Recipes
      How Long is Fresh?     



member (16)member
04/22/2014 08:41AM  
Hi everyone,

So I am reading lots of information on Food! Obviously ill be cooking up some fish! I will be going for 10 days! Looking for new recipes and things to try. I saw recipes with chicken, steaks,bacon, eggs, potatoes, onions, and many other things that I would think would spoil. How long can you carry eggs, and fresh meat around? Do they spoil?
What are people's opinions for storing vegetables, meats and eggs?
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04/22/2014 08:59AM  
I may be in the minority, but I usually don't take fresh food, preferring the simplicity and light weight of dehydrated foods. Fresh food is heavy and requires extra packaging and or insulation.

Many carry in frozen meats which will thaw during the day for the first night or so.

I think it varies a lot depending on food and time of year. I believe eggs will keep a while, but must be protected, of course, and cheese will last quite a while without refrigeration. Fruits and vegetables will last several days of course.

There's precooked bacon. If you look you should be able to find several threads on the subject with more and better advice from people who do this.

member (16)member
04/22/2014 12:26PM  
Thank You! I will definitely look more into this! Precooked bacon sounds wonderful!
04/22/2014 03:28PM  
Properly cared for, eggs will last a week. Farm fresh & not from grocery stores will last longer.

Some folks travel with coolers and dry ice. That will keep perishables for much longer especially if its thoughtfully packed.

distinguished member(4400)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/22/2014 06:14PM  
quote boonie: "I may be in the minority, but I usually don't take fresh food, preferring the simplicity and light weight of dehydrated foods. Fresh food is heavy and requires extra packaging and or insulation. "

+1 I'm with boonie on this. I find that fresh food isn't worth the extra weight and hassle. Dehydrating your own foods gives you some delicious meals.
distinguished member(8700)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/22/2014 06:36PM  
Somewhere in this board is a link to a test where someone took a lot of "fresh" foods and recorded how long they lasted. All manner of meats and dairy and fruits and vegetables. Unrefrigerated. Wished I had bookmarked it.
distinguished member(1004)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/22/2014 10:17PM  
Depends on tripping style. Some people actually carry coolers. I have always planned a steak dinner first night. Sometimes it's not entirely enjoyed because appetites can be strange that first night. Pretty much everything else is dehydrated. Everything on your list comes in a shelf stable or dehydrated form. Except for steak, I find all of them at least decent on the trail.
Guest Paddler
04/24/2014 08:33PM  
quote billconner: "Somewhere in this board is a link to a test where someone took a lot of "fresh" foods and recorded how long they lasted. All manner of meats and dairy and fruits and vegetables. Unrefrigerated. Wished I had bookmarked it."

Fresh food article
distinguished member(8700)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/24/2014 08:55PM  

member (16)member
04/25/2014 08:21AM  
distinguished member(1363)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/25/2014 08:55AM  
I think it depends on what type of trip you are doing. If you are doing a mainly travel trip, then fresh stuff is usually only the first day or so. If you are basecamping and want to use a small cooler, than you can be looking at several days. Just depends.
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