BWCA Tripod rock, Lake Winsini Boundary Waters Listening Point - General Discussion
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      Tripod rock, Lake Winsini     
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distinguished member(557)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/25/2014 10:12AM  
My neighbor gave me some old maps, from the 50's. I have been checking them out a little each evening and there is a lot of cool stuff. One spot on Winsini has a spot called tripod rock. Anyone been there? is it still there? I found nothing on a site search about. There are also lots of old trails marked, there must be 8 trails running between SAK and Kekekabic
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04/25/2014 10:47AM  
I'm just guessing here, but there appear to be some really nice cliffs and outcroppings on both the south-east arm as well as the central narrows. Not sure which one could be it...

Winsini rock1 Winsini rock 2 Winsini rock 3
distinguished member(557)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/26/2014 08:27AM  
Jeemon, do you know where those pics of the cliffs are located on the lake? If you zoom in on this map tripod rock is east of the the bottle neck
04/26/2014 10:27AM  
tripod rock shows to be across from the campsite, I'll look on my video and see if I have anything that looks like it
04/26/2014 10:34AM  
at the end of both these videos it looks across the lake I don't see anything that looks like a tripod rock but have a look

wisini 1
distinguished member(557)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/26/2014 02:50PM  
very cool, thanks mcsweem. I may have to take a day trip in there from SAK this spring and have a look around.
04/27/2014 04:14PM  
I can only assume that is is the rock that the map is referring to.

If you are sitting on the ledge of the campsite and look straight across the lake, this rock is sitting on the edge of the shoreline.

distinguished member(2467)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/27/2014 04:36PM  
It looks to me like the name tripod rock was handwritten on the map. I suspect the original owner of the map gave a rock formation this name rather then it being an official name.

Its always cool to look at old maps to see differences such as lake names, old roads and trails, closed resorts, etc.....
04/27/2014 06:54PM  
quote RT: "I can only assume that is is the rock that the map is referring to.

If you are sitting on the ledge of the campsite and look straight across the lake, this rock is sitting on the edge of the shoreline.


RT I looked at my video again and I see this rock, wish I would have noticed it when I was actually there.
distinguished member(1732)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/27/2014 08:07PM  
I believe that that rock was placed their in that manner by the natives so that the white man would ask questions.:)
distinguished member(557)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/28/2014 07:20AM  
Cool, thanks RT! Amazing that one small rock is still holding it up after all these years.

@ LMB: I don't think it was hand written, the map is well used and picture of it is not great but in person it looks original to the map.

I will be going to check it out this spring for sure
04/28/2014 07:25AM  
Next time you make it to Wisini you should check it out. 1. It's kind of cool. 2. There is a nice big area of blue berries and raspberries on the other side in the woods. :P
04/28/2014 08:05PM  
brantlars, sorry I didn't see your question. But my guesses were taking you in the Wong direction anyhow. Between the cliffs and overhangs, plus tripod, this lake is a must see!
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