BWCA Currency Exchange? Boundary Waters Group Forum: Woodland Caribou Provincial Park
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05/31/2014 10:06AM  

Planning the long drive to WCPP this August, I was curious about currency. Last time I was in Canada, US currency was readily accepted by Canadian vendors. Is that still the case, or should I exchange for Canadian dollars?
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distinguished member (252)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/31/2014 12:13PM  
I've made four trips into Canada (Red Lake area and WCPP) the last two years and everyone accepted US currency. I think the current exchange rate is about $1.08 Canadian for $1.00 American. Credit cards do an automatic conversion. If your going to spend a lot of cash in Canada it may be to your benefit (8%)to exchange some American to Canadian as I've been in a few stores that don't give you the current exchange rate but the last couple of years the exchange rate was pretty close to even so it didn't pay to bother. Some buisnesses convert for you automatically. This year I'm going to convert what I think I'll be spending and see how it works. I'm heading up to Red Lake tomorrow to do some fishing and will be paddling WCPP in Aug. Maybe our paths will cross. ...........Mike
distinguished member(1457)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/31/2014 01:05PM  
when the US dollar is worth more than the Canadian, most are happy to take it, especially if they live along the border, but don't expect any conversion rate. If they give it to you, great.

On the other hand, a few year ago when the Canadian dollar was worth more, nobody wanted the US dollar, can't say I blame them, I didn't want it either.
distinguished member(1094)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/31/2014 01:07PM  
quote mpeebles: " Credit cards do an automatic conversion. "

Some cards charge for the conversion, others don't.

05/31/2014 02:22PM  
quote mpeebles: "I'm heading up to Red Lake tomorrow to do some fishing and will be paddling WCPP in Aug. Maybe our paths will cross. ...........Mike"

Arriving at Red Lake Outfitters 8/14, and going in on 8/15 with an exit date of 8/23. Hoping our paths do cross Mike.

Thanks for the advice everyone!
distinguished member (252)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/31/2014 04:41PM  
AndySG...We're planning to be in Red Lake on Aug. 10th and coming out about two weeks later. Just have a rough idea on the route as of yet. Stopping by Harlan and the park office to chat next week. I'll post when I know more.

dd.....thanks for the correction on the credit card. Mine did the conversion so I assumed they all did.
distinguished member (143)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/31/2014 05:20PM  
I'm in Red Lake right now, and there is no problem. US dollar is getting stronger, and currently the exchange rate is close to .89 US versus US dollar. Getting to how it was several years ago. Favorable for US, but Canadians are traveling less to the U.S.

distinguished member (143)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/31/2014 05:20PM  
I'm in Red Lake right now, and there is no problem. US dollar is getting stronger, and currently the exchange rate is close to .89 US versus US dollar. Getting to how it was several years ago. Favorable for US, but Canadians are traveling less to the U.S.

06/01/2014 01:32PM  
We'll be shuttling to enter at Douglas and making our way to Mex Hat. Then back out for water shuttle to RLO.

Now that it is booked, I am just dying to go....
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