06/08/2014 08:50PM
I heard through the grapevine that there are some caves to paddle through or see on Aegean lake?...actually as I write this I am not entirely clear on what that actually means to hear something through the grapevine. It is funny how we use words and phrases without knowing their etiology. Anyways, wondering if anyone knows where the caves are located on Aegean lake? Thanks!
06/08/2014 09:07PM
We had also heard through an trip report somewhere about this "cave." We were on Aegean but didn't look for it. There is a picture of it on the new map if you have that. Looks pretty cool. I'm sure Marten may know more....? Or Harlan....
There's no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes.
06/08/2014 09:33PM
The cave is on the western part of Aegean along the northwestern shoreline, just before you enter a narrower section. There is a "quartz" hill on the opposite shore line which is brilliant white in the sunshine. Look for a substantial cliff face along the western shore. The cave is just long enough to fit a canoe inside, although you may have to bend a bit if you are not in a solo canoe.
"If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs" chances are you missed something. (Inspired by Rudyard Kipling.)
06/11/2014 03:36PM
quote jcavenagh: "I've seen other photos of this cave. It seems that it is only a few feet deep and just about big enough to fit one canoe."
Not very deep. Yes, just big enough for one canoe. Still, not something you see every day.
"If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs" chances are you missed something. (Inspired by Rudyard Kipling.)
06/11/2014 08:51PM
Don't know if you have any interest, but it seems possible you might be crossing Welkin on your approach to Aegean. There is a pictograph on the eastern end of Welkin (and another on South Aegean).
"If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs" chances are you missed something. (Inspired by Rudyard Kipling.)
07/11/2014 08:50AM
Hey All!
We did not find the cave...this time :) When we were up there it rained 5 days straight and the winds were pretty strong. We were not able to complete our loop as planned due to the weather. However, I am in love with WCPP. I hope to make it a yearly trip! I love it up there!
We did not find the cave...this time :) When we were up there it rained 5 days straight and the winds were pretty strong. We were not able to complete our loop as planned due to the weather. However, I am in love with WCPP. I hope to make it a yearly trip! I love it up there!
07/12/2014 06:37AM
Caves are neat to look at but you ain't getting me any further inside than to stick my head in, there's snakes, tigers, loins and bears in them. FRED
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked, the good fourtune to remember the ones do, and the eyesight to tell the differance.
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