BWCA Trip Report - North from Baker Lake Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - North from Baker Lake     



08/17/2014 09:06PM  
New Trip Report posted by lindylair

Trip Name: North from Baker Lake.

Entry Point: 39

Click Here to View Trip Report
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distinguished member(1193)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/17/2014 09:15PM  
Thanks for the report Jeff. Beautiful photos! What camera were you using?
08/17/2014 10:39PM  
You took some awesome photos. I especially like the one of the spruce grouse, they seem like a bonus when you get to see one compared to all the ruffed grouse.
08/18/2014 06:32AM  
Thanks for the report and pictures, lindylair. Some very nice pictures.
distinguished member(935)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/18/2014 09:53AM  
Thanks for sharing. Loved the pictures!
distinguished member(4987)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/18/2014 10:29AM  
great trip report and photos. What brand/ model of camera is that?
08/18/2014 01:07PM  
Thanks for the report. Really nice pictures (as usual). That southern site on South Temperance is a nice site. Stayed there 3 days several years ago. The picture was taken from that site.
08/18/2014 01:32PM  
Nice trip report and beautiful photos! Love the outstanding detail in these photos.
08/18/2014 01:45PM  
My report of the same area (and same week) will be coming soon, but some sneak previews that you allude to- blueberries were ripe on the south site on south temperance along with the raspberries, but there were plenty that still needed to ripen, you should have stopped over :) Fishing was poor and got poorer on South Temperance as the week went on. The portages between Jack, Weird, and South Temperance were cleared by a FS crew that came through on Thursday. Either way, its very interesting to compare notes to someone who had a similar experience to ours. Glad to hear your trip went well!
08/25/2014 02:15PM  
Great pictures, glad you had a good trip.
02/19/2020 09:24PM  
Just came across your trip report while researching this year's trip with my 3 sons, DDIL, 2 German Shepherds and one poodle mix.
Your photos were outstanding. Some beautiful scenery and wildlife shots.
I loved how you stated there were 4 of you. Our dogs are part of our families for sure even after they can no longer run beside us.
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