BWCA Trip Report - Canoe basecamp Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
07/21/2015 07:49PM  
New Trip Report posted by TuscaroraBorealis

Trip Name: Canoe basecamp.

Entry Point: 64

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distinguished member(2117)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/21/2015 10:51PM  
Sometimes a good old base camp is just best. The BWCA is so beautiful that it doesn't even matter if the fish bite or not...I need to visit the Bearskin Lake area at some point in the near future, clearly the timber is mature and beautiful over there. Wow.
07/22/2015 05:44AM  
Sounds like fun and you got to see some nice spots. A bad day fishing is still better than a good day at the office.
07/22/2015 12:24PM  
You're a lucky guy - two trips in two weeks! Nice report - enjoyed following along.
distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
07/22/2015 04:57PM  
quote SaganagaJoe: "Sometimes a good old base camp is just best. The BWCA is so beautiful that it doesn't even matter if the fish bite or not...I need to visit the Bearskin Lake area at some point in the near future, clearly the timber is mature and beautiful over there. Wow."

I agree. Well said.
distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
07/22/2015 05:03PM  
quote alpine525: "You're a lucky guy - two trips in two weeks! Nice report - enjoyed following along."

Thank you!

It did make packing rather easy but, still, it was a little hectic too. Not being in contact with my trip mates (while on previous trip) until a few days before we headed up. In the final analysis both trips were enjoyable and, indeed, I am thankful & grateful for being blessed with the opportunity to do both.

distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
09/07/2015 12:11PM  
For those looking for a definitive description of how to find the big cedar, look here .
distinguished member(5723)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
09/04/2021 11:57AM  

Due to the dry conditions & fires, our East Bearskin permit was cancelled. Still having the reservation for the Jack Pine cabin in East Bearskin Lake campground , we decided to make the best of it and still (as planned) stay there the first night and then move to a first come first serve site.

Joining Aurora & I were co-workers Joe, Brian and Brian's son Grayson. We were fortunate enough to see a fox and have a bear cross the Gunflint Trail in front of us.

We made it to Honeymoon Bluff , spent some time fishing - where Aurora & Grayson reveled in catching the small bass and sunfish off the shores of East Bearskin Lake.

Mercifully, (for the area) it rained much of the weekend but, we were still able to get out some and enjoy the immediate area. Joe, Brian and Grayson left early Saturday which gave Aurora & I some quality time together. In between rain showers we were able to get out on the lake where she took her 1st try at stern paddling. I thought she did just fine, as she even pulled in a fish along the short paddle from the campsite landing to Bearskin Lodge. However, she admitted she still prefers her traditional spot up front.

Also, after clearing out Sunday morning, Aurora wanted to go to the old log cabin church in Grand Portage for Sunday service. So, we made the trek up that way before driving back home. Of note: we met fellow bwca.comer "Aceaceace" in Grand Marais just outside Lake Superior Trading Post. Our last stop was at the Schroeder Bakery for a savory pizza.

Wasn't what was planned but, I think we still had a great time and created some special memories.

Black Pearl new captain
09/17/2021 08:58PM  
It may be my imagination,but it seems like good fishing is always accompanied by bad weather. I never seem to catch fish if the weather is sunny.

Beautiful pictures. It looks like you should have some enthusiastic trip partners for a while.
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