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member (14)member
08/20/2015 12:14PM  
Need some simple and cheap ideas for food. What are the best foods to bring?
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distinguished member(4987)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/20/2015 01:22PM  
Check out recipes at for Freezer bag cooking meals. Also check out other backpacking recipe websites. Also check out all of the recipes in this section above.
08/20/2015 03:43PM  
pasta and rice based meals are cheap. Add in foil pack or dehydrated chicken or ground beef and youre covered. Mac n cheese is cheap too. I make a chili mac at home, dehydrate it and bring that and its light, cheap (elbow mac, some shredded cheese, and ground beef), and tastes really good. it re-hydrates pretty well to boot, and since I'm making it I can control the sodium level.
08/20/2015 04:22PM  
I'll second Goby's suggestions - Pasta and rice (or couscous or quinoa)are light compact and simple to prepare. You can make good meals with the addition of meat, fish, cheese, vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, seeds, herbs, and spices. For breakfast cereal and oatmeal are quick and easy. Nuts and dried fruit (GORP) for snacks. Cheese, jerky, sausage, food bars.
distinguished member(4987)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/20/2015 06:39PM  
There are lots of prepackaged rice and pasta dishes you can get at the grocery store, just add meat like chicken or tuna and you are all set.
distinguished member(4400)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/20/2015 07:06PM  
Freezer Bag Cooking opened up a whole new world of light weight camping for me. I love the fact that there are no dishes to clean in camp. also has a number of excellent recipes.
distinguished member(637)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/20/2015 10:42PM  
quote Nrcorey: "Need some simple and cheap ideas for food. What are the best foods to bring? "

Start right in your local grocery store
Try things out at home before you go
Split large packages into smaller with ziplock baggies
On the cheap eats list
Ramon noodles (add what ever you llike)
Instant mashed potatos
New instand hash browns
Instant pizza dought packages that just require water
Instant oatmeal packets
flour wraps
Block cheeses
Foil pouches of protein(chicken,tuna,meat ect ect)
Instant rices and noodles
Instant packaged soups
All of the above can be got right off the shelf.
Practice at home with the equiment you're going to be using while camping to work out any kinks
distinguished member(2751)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/21/2015 08:11AM  
Keep it simple. For example, instant coffee and instant oatmeal for breakfast.
Summer sausage and cheese sandwich with pringles for lunch ( we use the sandwich rounds, which pack nicely in tupperware or some such so they don't get crushed.) Stolen mustard packets. handful of trail mix. Or tuna packets. Or peanut butter tortillas
Dinner: fish and a side like couscous, instant mashed potatoes, etc.
Jambayala mix with fish or foil pack chicken

bear creek soup mix with or without fish. The potato soup turns into a nice bass chowder if you add a nice bass

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