We like our eggs for breakfast whether it's in the form of scrambled, burrito, french toast or whatever you like. Having access to free farm fresh eggs we needed to find a way to make use of this. We have an inexpensive dehydrator, a Nesco Professional from the local Fleet Farm. Use the trays that are used to make fruit leathers. I have four and have learned that 1 cup is the right amount for each tray to avoid a mess. Learned that through trial and error. Crack eggs into your blender, I have a ninja, to 1 cup per tray you have. Four cups for me. Blend until they just start to foam. The volume will increase so let it settle a few minutes until it gets back to original volume. Fill trays, I set our dehydrator at 160 degrees. At about 12 hours break up the pieces and run another 12. I start the dehydrator at night, break up before work and are done when I get home. Take the pieces and put them in your blender or food processor and grind until it's the consistency of corn meal. You now have eggs ready to re hydrate! Tip, keep track of how many eggs you use so you can make meal packs. We like to use about 3 eggs per person for a breakfast burrito. The eggs, ham, hash browns, onions, or whatever else you like is all in a ziplock or vaccum sealed. Re hydrate for 20 minutes or more right in the bag, fry up and enjoy. As package up toast mix & plain eggs just in case! I have used these over 6 months with no refrigeration. I test drive them on family camps with great reviews.
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