BWCA Touching it up Boundary Waters Group Forum: Soul Space
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   Group Forum: Soul Space
      Touching it up     
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06/06/2016 07:37AM  
I'd read a comment by my good friend Carl about sharpening knives. He said that it is said you only should sharpen a knife once when it is made. After that as you use it you "touch it up" bringing back the sharp edge. As I cleaned my shower after the filter had failed and I'd let it get all full of iron deposits... I thought, if I'd only kept it "touched up". This morning I thought about my faith and relationship with God. When I forget to pray, when I put off reading the Word I get "dull" in my faith. It makes it harder to sharpen. So I need to keep doing these things to remain sharp in my faith. Just thought I'd share my thoughts of today.
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Arkansas Man
distinguished member(3780)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/06/2016 08:36AM  
Remember, that Iron Sharpens Iron! Find you an accountability partner that helps you, and you in return help them to hold each other accountable for your daily prayer time, and reading of God's Word. I will be praying for that to happen!

I try every day to get up at 5:00am or around that time and spend time reading the bible and praying. Because I know myself well enough to know that the later in the day I wait to do it... it won't get done. And it just makes my day go better to take my dogs, sit in my rocking chair on the front porch with a cup of coffee watching the sun come up and reading the Bible, Praying to God, and listening to a little worship music as well. Then at 6:00 I eat breakfast shower get ready to go to work, wake the wife up at 6:30 with a cup of coffee... and all is good!

Praying for you Brother!

06/06/2016 08:09PM  
Well said both of you!!
06/06/2016 08:42PM  
quote nctry: "I'd read a comment by my good friend Carl about sharpening knives. He said that it is said you only should sharpen a knife once when it is made. After that as you use it you "touch it up" bringing back the sharp edge. As I cleaned my shower after the filter had failed and I'd let it get all full of iron deposits... I thought, if I'd only kept it "touched up". This morning I thought about my faith and relationship with God. When I forget to pray, when I put off reading the Word I get "dull" in my faith. It makes it harder to sharpen. So I need to keep doing these things to remain sharp in my faith. Just thought I'd share my thoughts of today."

well said
distinguished member (483)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/06/2016 10:57PM  
Brother, that'll preach!
And I'm going to use it in a sermon soon.
As well as in my own life.
distinguished member(14135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
06/08/2016 10:04PM  
quote ducks: "Well said both of you!!"
06/11/2016 11:38PM  
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