BWCA Search for Foil Pack Chicken in NE Wisconsin Boundary Waters BWCA Food and Recipes
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      Search for Foil Pack Chicken in NE Wisconsin     



distinguished member(688)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/07/2016 06:32PM  
Just started looking for my trip in 2 luck yet. Last time I found some at Menards of all places...used the last of it up. The search will intensify.....anyone have any success this year?

dr bob
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07/07/2016 07:00PM  
the only place i've found some is a walmart super store up on the hill in duluth. found it on both amazon in packs of 12 and walmart online
distinguished member (257)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/07/2016 07:04PM  
I've been lucky with Menards so far.
distinguished member(4987)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
07/07/2016 07:20PM  
Menards has it in our area, also Super Target stores.
member (11)member
07/07/2016 09:07PM  
I found this kind late last summer and again a couple weeks ago at Pick 'n Save. Looks like you are in Kewaunee so the closest one to you is probably in Two Rivers.

distinguished member(2485)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/07/2016 10:11PM  
I started dehydrating canned chicken which works so well I don't take bag chicken any more. I have a dehydrator, but you could do it in the oven if you don't have one.
distinguished member(688)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/08/2016 05:21AM  
Secretary lives in TR and I will ask her to look.
also gotta make a menards run soon anyway
I usually get a bunch then I am good for a year or two.......
dr bob
07/08/2016 06:26AM  
Try Woodman's. The one in La Crosse carries it.
distinguished member(4987)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
07/08/2016 07:47AM  
You could also get a can of the freeze dried chicken and open it and divide it up into smaller portions/servings and then vac seal them. That is what I do.
distinguished member(688)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/08/2016 02:26PM  
I called the Menards... they still carry it so I will go get some there and get the 11% rebate. I am hoping the 2 fishaholics that are coming will come through so I can take it back home and use some other time. Otherwise it will get mixed in one of the Knorrs side dishes for supper...
I refuse to bring in foil pack tuna...seems like a sinful thing to do

thanks for all the responces

dr bob
distinguished member(688)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/11/2016 04:35PM  
Got the last 4 packages at the east side I am good if the fishaholics in our group do not come through... We have a gluten free person coming along this year.... this is a new adventure....She may have to get her own stuff and keep it in a gamma seal bucket with a small 1 burner stove if this looks too complicated... usuall stuff like Knoors side dishes are out...we shall see...
11 days until we leave town... Make and freeze sloppy joes for Sawbill Lake CG before the trip and make a batch Hudson Bay bread tonight.

dr bob
07/12/2016 11:04AM  
My usual Menards in NE IL was out of them the other day when I went. Stopped in on at a different one and got the last two on the shelf.
07/12/2016 12:28PM  
I found some in CUB but it was by the pizza toppings, sauce, etc. It was also discounted because they were closing it out.
07/12/2016 05:10PM  
I bought two bags at my local Walmart yesterday, but I have seen it at Menards and Target as well here in North Iowa.
distinguished member(688)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/09/2016 09:30PM  
quote KevinL: "I bought two bags at my local Walmart yesterday, but I have seen it at Menards and Target as well here in North Iowa. "

We had enough fish dinners so I brought the bag chicken back with us for other outings. Good stuff to have as backup in case the fishaholics didn't come through...they did

dr bob
08/30/2016 03:10PM  
Just bought 4 packs of tuna at Aldis today. They said they had chicken earlier in the week, but it sold out already. Might be a place to check if anyone is looking.
distinguished member(8828)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/30/2016 08:19PM  
Zups in Ely has them all - chicken, large and small tuna, spam singles, and more in BWCA acceptable packages. I love that grocery. Brought home about 20 pounds of brats and similar.
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