BWCA Trip Report - Dads & Daughters 2016 Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Dads & Daughters 2016     



08/31/2016 11:58AM  
New Trip Report posted by mirth

Trip Name: Dads & Daughters 2016.

Entry Point: 57

Click Here to View Trip Report
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08/31/2016 07:33PM  
Wonderful report! I especially love the trip reports with parents bringing their young folk on a first trip. And I NEVER, EVER get tired of looking at photos of camp pancakes filled with fresh berries. I dream of the day I get some with both blueberries and raspberries. Well done.
distinguished member(3694)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/31/2016 08:28PM  
Nice trip report. Glad to here the girls got along. Brings back fond memories of going with my youngest. Great times!!
Old Hoosier
distinguished member(640)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/01/2016 11:59AM  
Sounds like a great trip. Love your photos.

Good for you - taking the young girls. And with 3 "rookies" that all wish to go again. SUCCESS!

Old Hoosier
09/01/2016 02:58PM  
Thanks all. I agree that the trip was a success from just about every standpoint except maybe for the meteor shower peak when it was overcast. Still, we got to see the ISS fly over several times earlier in the trip which was an ooh & aah moment for the kids. Everyone did really well, even when faced with rain a few times. I suspect I'll be back to this area at some point in the future.

Too bad I can't upload an animated gif here, but I got a really good one of Matt & Grace in front of Sag falls:
link to the photo
distinguished member(4164)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
09/01/2016 10:36PM  
Very nice report. Looks like a cool area too
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