BWCA Nov. solo ? Boundary Waters Group Forum: Solo Tripping
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: Solo Tripping
      Nov. solo ?     



10/29/2016 08:30AM  
Alright!!!! The forecast for next weekend (4-6) (clear w/ highs in the 50's and lows in the 30's) has me considering taking Friday off and doing a short 3 day/2 night solo so I can say I've done a Nov. trip. Work, coaching both daughters bball teams, and personal stuff may keep it from coming together on short notice, but the possibility of it happening has peeked my interest. I've done a few Oct. trips and this year I did a solo 1 week after ice out.

Any thoughts from the experts out there?

I was up the Gunflint 3 times this year so I'm thinking of staying on Sawbill, or Sawbill to Kelso so I can hike the long portage North, or Sawbill to Smoke or Burnt. or Ely area.... Lake One since I probably won't do a summer trip there. I thought about an Echo Trail EP but I think the trail itself will be full of deer hunters so will avoid that area. I like the Sawbill area because I'd rent from them and my van would be in their lot so someone would know if I didn't make it out if the weather forecast was wrong and I got iced in.

I'm thinking a royalex canoe would be a good idea because of the possibility of ice if the forecast of off. Sawbill has the Vagabond...... Would that work w/ a lab in front of me and pack in the back? I've soloed w/ him in a SR Q16 and Northstar Northwind Solo.
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distinguished member(1982)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/29/2016 11:08PM  
Have a good time if you can pull it off!
Thoughts? Only one: The air may be warm but the water is cold. Don't dump. Be safe and have a plan thought out if you do dump.
distinguished member(3694)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/31/2016 06:49AM  
What are you going to do in all that darkness?
11/01/2016 06:42AM  
quote pswith5: "What are you going to do in all that darkness?"

Get a really good nights sleep :) When I did my Oct. trips I was in the tent from around 8pm until 7am. In Nov. I'd have a fire for a little while before calling it a night and reading for a while.
11/01/2016 03:38PM  
I don't usually see too many deer hunters on the Echo Trail. I'd consider doing a trip through Mudro.
11/03/2016 06:39AM  
boo hiss......... things didn't come together and it's not going to happen. I'm really bummed and the forecast looks like an amazing weekend.
11/03/2016 01:36PM  
Bummer, dude!
11/05/2016 01:57PM  
Holy Cow is it a beautiful weekend.
11/08/2016 09:00AM  
quote ducks: "Holy Cow is it a beautiful weekend."
It was, wish you could of made it up, it was only 2 days but well worth it, 2 long days but fun.
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