BWCA Tying season Boundary Waters Group Forum: Flyfishing BWCA
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: Flyfishing BWCA
      Tying season     



distinguished member (147)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/19/2016 12:53PM  
Here in Northern Wisconsin the trout streams closed November 15th, and since then I've been tying up a storm. I've focused mostly on trout streamers, nymphs, and buggers, but as my box of trout flies fills up I'm beginning to dream of my next BWCA trip.

I could search here for everyone's favorite flies, but I think this forum could use a bump, so I'll ask now. What are your favorite boundary waters flies to fish, and favorite to tie?

I'm getting into tying big marabou and ostrich intruder patterns to swing for trout, but I think they'll work great for pike and bass as well. I like using a #6 streamer hook along with a trailer hook for better hook up percentages.

I also like tying Copper Johns and Iron X legs style flies. I guess I'm hardwired like a fish... I like shiney stuff.

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distinguished member(642)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/19/2016 08:17PM  
I posted a similar request here last Feb. You will see it down further on this forum under the title BWJ Article. I got several useful replies.

distinguished member (147)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/20/2016 10:41PM  
Thanks for the link Bill! I did find some useful information! I didn't know that 'jig' style fly hooks existed, so naturally I went straight to my local fly shop and bought some. I also decided that since there's finally safe ice in my area I'd better tie up some panfish ice flies. Does anyone have any experience with hand tied ice flies?
12/23/2016 02:34PM  
I have to admit to only bringing a fly rod occasionally to the BWCA, and my heaviest rod was lost in a move a few years back. When I did, my favorite fly to tie and use (productive or not) was a baby mouse fly. I still love the idea of catching pike or bass on a bunch of spun elk hair that ends up looking like a mouse.
distinguished member (216)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/07/2017 06:57AM  
#1. Buck tail streamer. Number 6 and 8 streamer hooks. I use barbell head weights to get it down quickly and they make it so that hook is up and you have less problem with any snagging. Use bucktail and peacock hearl. Very easy to tie and very effective.

#2. Olive and black wooly bugger # 6 and 8 streamer hooks.
distinguished member (130)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/23/2018 04:33PM  
Large buggers, size 6, 4, 2. I even have some 1/0 and 2/0 buggers tied with longer marabou tails with some extra flash for the northern. I fish the murdich minnow and craw patterns quite a bit, and I also bring a number of half and halfs. I've been using some flies I tied with the new dragon tails around here in WI this year and I'm looking forward to bringing a couple of those up this fall.
distinguished member (219)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/23/2018 06:58PM  
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