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      Another Nido thread     



01/10/2017 08:30AM  
So I was going through amazon for some nido milk. And I found they make a full cream whole milk. Anyone try that yet?
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01/10/2017 11:28AM  
Have not tried the Nido version but have used other brands. of spray dried whole milk ( 26% milk fat). Still not a fan of drinking the stuff but cook with it often. It takes much more to mix than low fat SDM. If I want to mix with water will use a 12 oz. Nalgene bottle capped tight and shaken, A LOT!

I tend to use Hoosier Hill Farms. And can drink the stuff mixed with Carnation Instant Breakfast.


PS: Made me curious Ben. Got some Hoosier Hill Farm whole milk powder out from the cupboard, mixed with cold tap water. Mixed easily, a lot better than the Backpackers Pantry WMP, tasted almost good enough for me (dedicated cheese-head, raised on fresh farm milk and whole milk). Mixed cold with Swiss Miss cocoa was much better than the lowfat dried milk and Carnation Instant Breakfast I have used in the past. It's not the Nido that you asked about but it may change my mind about dried milk for camping. bh
distinguished member(8700)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
01/10/2017 04:02PM  
I thought Nido was only whole milk - not counting the +1 and +3 versions.
01/10/2017 07:01PM  
Nido a Nestle Global product, be difficult to track all the versions made. Nido Full Cream I think produced in Holland.
Worked at the sole Nestle Chocolate production facility in the USA, air dried locally purchased condensed milk thru 1990's. Changed to mostly shipped milk powders provided by central USA dairies, majority I saw from WI also, Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania, as WI changed to high fat content milk aimed at cheese. Never heard of Nido at work, but then I have lost appetite concerning most Nestle products. Damn glad I never worked at a brewery!
Pretty much given up on dried milk for drinking, could only stand it with cocoa added. That's why I had to try the Hoosier WMP I have on hand, surprised me by tasting good. Other WMP types I tried took a lot of mixing, tasted ok. Non fat dried milk powder, I cannot drink, but will cook with.

Apologize about the excess info, maybe some will find it interesting.

01/11/2017 06:04AM  
Could be too like I found with egg powder, mixing some and letting stand a bit and then like a final mix later I got better results. I guess we'll see.
01/13/2017 11:16AM  
quote nctry: "Could be too like I found with egg powder, mixing some and letting stand a bit and then like a final mix later I got better results. I guess we'll see. "

Hijacking, but do you do this with Ova Easy egg crystals?
01/13/2017 09:18PM  
quote hooky: "
quote nctry: "Could be too like I found with egg powder, mixing some and letting stand a bit and then like a final mix later I got better results. I guess we'll see. "

Hijacking, but do you do this with Ova Easy egg crystals?"

Yes, although they absorb better than most, I find this beneficial. I only use ova easy. When I fluff as I cook you can't hardly tell I used powdered eggs. Actually I use other powders also... for example... tomato powder. I let that stand too. Even pancake mix with everything in it (complete), all this I let stand a little. I think it does better. It's winter, play with it...
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01/30/2017 09:01AM  
tried it - liked it!
01/30/2017 08:39PM  
quote BobDobbs: "tried it - liked it!"

Are you Mikey? Haha!

Yes, I'm liking it.
01/30/2017 08:40PM  
Not sure if you mean the regular Nido whole milk. I can't tell the difference from real milk. It doesn't have the strange aftertaste that skim milk powder has. We vacuum seal in 1 cup and 1/2 cup measurements for the number of meals we plan to use it. It will become rancid faster though, so it's best not to buy and package too far ahead. we're planning on prepackaging nido and ova easy crystals to make real cornbread this year. I never liked the no egg cornbreads.
02/01/2017 09:17AM  
"It will become rancid faster though, so it's best not to buy and package too far ahead."
Interesting, never had that happen with the cans of whole milk powder I use (not Nido though, 1 pound Hoosier Hill Farms). Just tried a cup mixed with Instant Breakfast, taken from a can opened a year ago. Had tons of the stuff in the warehouse I worked at, I cleaned up lot of old spilled milk powder that never went rancid (again not Nido, but at a Nestle factory).

distinguished member(1530)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/03/2017 11:48AM  
the full fat Nido is, I think, just regular Nido. Yes, it is the best powdered milk I have found. Works good for cereal, hot chocolate, anything where you need milk.

Someone mentioned Ova Easy for eggs. Those are by far the best dried eggs and worth the cost.
distinguished member(8700)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
02/03/2017 07:26PM  
quote butthead: ""It will become rancid faster though, so it's best not to buy and package too far ahead."
Interesting, never had that happen with the cans of whole milk powder I use (not Nido though, 1 pound Hoosier Hill Farms). Just tried a cup mixed with Instant Breakfast, taken from a can opened a year ago. Had tons of the stuff in the warehouse I worked at, I cleaned up lot of old spilled milk powder that never went rancid (again not Nido, but at a Nestle factory).


Yeah. I regularily have a part container of Nido and just pack it the next year.
02/03/2017 07:30PM  
quote jeroldharter: "the full fat Nido is, I think, just regular Nido. Yes, it is the best powdered milk I have found. Works good for cereal, hot chocolate, anything where you need milk.

Someone mentioned Ova Easy for eggs. Those are by far the best dried eggs and worth the cost."

Yeah it is, I don't think I was getting the whole milk before. This is way better. I've been playing with Ova Easy eggs and really like them. I buy them in quantity.
distinguished member(1094)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/04/2017 04:39PM  
I'm trying to think back to when I first started using both Nido and OvaEasy for canoe trips. I'm pretty sure it was at least five years ago ... perhaps longer.

The first batch of OvaEasy, I was sold on the taste, but the consistency was off. Too "squeekie" was my take. This would benefit from a bit of fat. Since my mom always made scrambled eggs and added milk, that was my natural next step (and I'd discovered Nido about the same time). That combo works quite well.

I've also used shredded cheese, but the results are more uniform with milk (Nido).

So far, I've chosen to buy the OvaEasy in the 4.5 oz (1 dozen egg) packaging. I don't repackage for trips, but since I don't travel with a large group, one package is good for a couple of meals, generally. The best deal for the packages I've encountered lately is the 3-pack, currently being sold by Amazon. (I received my package of these earlier this week.)

02/04/2017 06:29PM  
I have to admit I haven't had it go bad on me, I was just referring to having read that it doesn't last as well as non fat milk powder and it kind of made sense since fat can develop off flavors. We usually just buy new each time since we didn't want to take a chance. I bought Nido for my dad in case his fresh milk went bad before I was able to get him fresh groceries. He probably wouldn't have noticed if the powder went off after a while though.
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