BWCA Vegetables in a pouch Boundary Waters BWCA Food and Recipes
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      Vegetables in a pouch     



senior member (83)senior membersenior member
01/21/2017 11:26AM  
Saw these Libby's Microwavable Vegetables 13oz Pouch in the store, anyone ever use them? Thinking of trying them on our next trip to the BWCA.
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01/21/2017 07:56PM  
That will be one heavy pack and long extension cord!

I have seen these but not tried them. I would think you could just boil them in the bag. Maybe try them at home first. Last summer I just took a whole bag of frozen corn and dehydrated it. Easy, lightweight, and they rehydrated just fine.
distinguished member(8700)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
01/21/2017 08:27PM  
Seems like a lot of weight. Why not freeze dried? I find they area as close to fresh as any form, and retain most nutrients better than other forms.
01/21/2017 09:29PM  
It's super easy to dehydrate veggies and they weigh next to nothing. With those libby's bags, you carrying the water they're packed in too.

If you can't dehydrate, their are options for freeze dried and dehydrated vegetables that can be bought.
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