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03/09/2017 10:04AM  
Has anyone tried this brand of FD food? valley food storage Prices seem good. I'm mostly interested in the vegetables.
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03/09/2017 01:46PM  
Hard to compare as several suppliers I use list weights instead of serving portions. Valley Food is new to me but prices look good, The freeze dried Blackberries would be my candy!
Thanks for pointing out and alternative source, will try some as the supply on hand dwindles.
For what it's worth North Bay Trading is in my cupboard right now, both air and freeze dried. Have used "Just Vegetables" brand in the past, now Karen's Naturals, and others, but are generally more expensive.

03/14/2017 09:54PM  
I have tried valley food storage. So far so good. Get on their mailing list and they will send you a discount code.

My kids like the mac and cheese.

I also got their pasta alfredo and primavera. What I did was grilled some chicken breasts at home and then took the pre cut chicken out for a day at the park. For lunch I made the pasta and added the chicken. I was pretty happy with it and the kids ate it (that could just be the ultimate test). I see a lot of vegetarian freeze dried food but I don't think purely vegetarian is the best for nutrition. That is why I added the chicken. I could see adding some freeze dried chicken dices if going completely freeze dried.

One thing I found is that following their instructions comes out a little watery. I am in Illinois. They are in Utah at elevation. I think they recommend too much water.

I tell the kids it is backpacker food and I think they are kind of excited just because it is different.

I like to test new vendors before I take something along camping. I don't want to be at camp and find out the food choice was a mistake.

I have some more stuff that I want to try (the pub cheddar soup that I plan to add bacon to). At this point I am pretty sure it will be good.

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