BWCA Seagull Lake basecamp Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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01/11/2023 09:23PM  
Hi folks,

I am considering a Seagull Lake base camping trip in mid to late May.

I know that there are motorboats allowed on the lake. Is the traffic pretty heavy? Does it end at a certain time of day when the tows are completed? Or do a lot of people fish the lake from motorboats?

It looks like the south west portion of the lake is fairly wide open. One of my main concerns on Seagull is getting caught in the wind. Is the area around Miles Island and campsites 469-470 fairly sheltered? Anyone have favorite sites on this lake?

Are there any river or creeks that flow into Seagull or does the water flow out of Seagull?

It looks like a lot of the shore line seems to have been involved in different forest fires. Is it easy to collect firewood in the burn areas?

How is the water clarity? I've stayed on Horshoe and Meeds in the last two years and they didn't have the best water clarity.

Any day trips you would recommend from Seagull?

IIRC, there two parking lots that provide access to the lake? Do you prefer one or the other?

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distinguished member(5786)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
01/12/2023 07:05AM  
There are creeks running in/out of Sea Gull. Near Alpine, Paulson portages and running out past Trails end campground. Highly recommend hiking Paulson portage.

Firewood is usually easy to come by near burned over areas.

Motor boats are only allowed on certain sections of the lake so, traffic isn't as bad as on other motorized lakes.

Water clarity should be much better than Meeds or Horseshoe.

The palisades are a must see.

01/12/2023 10:51AM  
Sea Gull Lake is one of my favorite starting points and lakes to camp on. I will do my best to answer your questions below.

25-hp Motorboats are only allowed east of the Sea Gull river over to entry point 54A. And a bit south of that on the east side of Fishhook island. While 10-hp motorboats are allowed to go the south east side of Threemile island. The main body of the lake (the west of Threemile island) is no motor access. So if you are on that side of the lake (west) you will not see any motors.

Campsite 471 on Miles Island is nice. Very sheltered. My favorite site is 469, just north and west of Miles Island. Huge sandy site with great swimming and good tent pads. On the south side of the lake, near the portage into Alpine, I recommend sites 463, 460, and 455. Nice sites all.

Water flows into Sea Gull from Alpine and out into Big Sag. I think there is another river but I am not remembering it right now. Water is pretty clear. Not the clearest I have been on, but it is clearer than Big Sag.

Most of Sea Gull did get hit with fire back in 2007 if I remember. However, the forest service did a good job of saving the sites. Firewood is all around and you can collect easily.

Parking depends on where you plan on putting in. The 54 EP is a fine lot and I would not worry about leaving my car. You can also put in on the back side of Trails End campground (Sea Gull river) and park in the big lot there.

Hope this helps
01/12/2023 03:36PM  
TuscaroraBorealis: "There are creeks running in/out of Sea Gull. Near Alpine, Paulson portages and running out past Trails end campground. Highly recommend hiking Paulson portage.

The palisades are a must see.


Hi TuscaroraBorealis,

Thanks for your reply.

Are the palisades on one of the islands?

Is the picture near the portage to Paulson? Is that water running into Seagull?

01/12/2023 03:41PM  
RT: "Sea Gull Lake is one of my favorite starting points and lakes to camp on. I will do my best to answer your questions below.

Parking depends on where you plan on putting in. The 54 EP is a fine lot and I would not worry about leaving my car. You can also put in on the back side of Trails End campground (Sea Gull river) and park in the big lot there.


Hi RT,

Thanks for your reply.

Thanks for the camp site recommendations as well. Does 469 have much of a view of the sunset?

Which parking lot/entry would you use if you were trying to get over to camp site 469? Does it make much difference as far as proximity to 469? Looks like I would be paddling up and around a lot of islands to get to 469 or even 468.

Have you ever tried fishing Rog Lake?

distinguished member(5786)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
01/12/2023 06:51PM  
rdgbwca: "
TuscaroraBorealis: "There are creeks running in/out of Sea Gull. Near Alpine, Paulson portages and running out past Trails end campground. Highly recommend hiking Paulson portage.

The palisades are a must see.


Hi TuscaroraBorealis,

Thanks for your reply.

Are the palisades on one of the islands?

Is the picture near the portage to Paulson? Is that water running into Seagull?


The palisades are located immediately east of the north side of Miles island. Map Check out the cluster of 3 blue dots on the map.

The previous photo is of Sea Gull River just below Trails end campground

View of Sea Gull from Paulson portage
01/13/2023 07:17AM  
rdgbwca: Thanks for the camp site recommendations as well. Does 469 have much of a view of the sunset?"

Kind of sort of. The site faces south. As you are standing on the beach the the west side (right) is mostly trees and a peninsula that blocks the majority of the sky. To the east you can see most everything, but the sunset will be blocked. Heads up on 469; it is a very popular site! I have only ever gotten to stay on it when I arrived before noon. It fills up fast.

rdgbwca: Which parking lot/entry would you use if you were trying to get over to camp site 469? Does it make much difference as far as proximity to 469? Looks like I would be paddling up and around a lot of islands to get to 469 or even 468."

Since the difference in paddle distance is only around a mile, I would say you could flip a coin. I prefer the end of the trail boat launch parking area and launching into Sea Gull via the Sea Gull River but there is no real reason to my choice on that.

rdgbwca: Have you ever tried fishing Rog Lake?"

Yes. While I got skunked on the Rog, my buddies were able to catch smallies.
distinguished member(1101)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/13/2023 06:44PM  
Paddling up and around a bunch of islands is a feature, not a bug, on Seagull. This is a lake where wind direction and velocity drive all route decisions.

Launching from the spot adjacent to Trails End gives you better wind cover than Blankenburg Landing. Parking is fine at both options and you'll have a short walk to your canoe whichever you choose.

My hunting partner and I call 469 "Church Camp" because of the exceedingly easy landing, swimming opportunity and multiple tent pads. It is worth racing to, but you won't know whether it's occupied until you get there. The next one to the west, 468, is a smaller site with a less convenient but safe landing. There are others in the vicinity that are popular as well.
01/16/2023 03:34PM  
HI RDG , you pick what i consider to be the best entry point lake in the BWCA and the perfect time to go (especially for lake trout) (go mid-may not late).
i'm fairly certain the horse power limit is 10HP on seagull and that is only on the south stretch of 3-mile island. noise of motors shouldnt bother you. (i atually plan on being up there on opener or very close after opener)
seagull lake has a little bit of a coffee stain to it but still fairly clear.
as TB mentioned you have a flowage from alpine to seagull and on opener many will anchor/fish that flowage area , so those campsites in that vicinity are usually taken ASAP. before the motor restriction of 1996? DNR use to mark that area as no fishing until late may or june like they still do for the seagull river BUT they have to abide by the rules too and dont want to paddle that to retrieve there bouy markers.
the wind , YES the make up of the islands does funnel that wind and caution should be taken especially for the inexperience paddler and of course always wear your life jacket as the water will still be very cold in mid-may. for the most part the west side that opens up has better fishing IMO ,
campsites,,, if the sites are taken in that N.W. part of the lake , site #455 is an awesome campsite for shore fishing (read up on my deadbait set ups for shore fishing)((i'll post a couple of lakers we caught off that site in 2017)) you'll actually catch lakers on the north side of that point(deeper) and pike on the south will have to venture out for wood , but it's a large site to set your tent up towards the back of the site. if you choose to not venture to the open west side , there are some small / rain off feeder creeks along the south shore line by the paulson portage (just listen you'll hear them) and i would just park and launch at the 1st landing (blankenburg landing) if you have any other questions please feel free to email me but make sure you bring in some frozen suckers like 3"-6" size ;) if you venture out dont waste your time in rog BUT the jasper falls are worth the trip and fish out in front of that flowage if youwant to. enjoy and gives us a fishing report when you get back. if you contact me i'll tell the nicest campsite on seagull , as far as just the pure aspect of just camping , beautiful campsite but kind of shallow for shore fishing
01/16/2023 08:06PM  
gravelroad: "Launching from the spot adjacent to Trails End gives you better wind cover than Blankenburg Landing.

My hunting partner and I call 469 "Church Camp" because of the exceedingly easy landing, swimming opportunity and multiple tent pads. It is worth racing to, but you won't know whether it's occupied until you get there. "

Thanks for the heads up on 469 and the wind coverage. The site at 469 is on my list but there seem to be several good options.

Camping on an island seems fun. I noticed in some of the camp site reviews on here that there have been bears visiting some of the island sites on Seagull.
01/16/2023 08:12PM  
shock: " if you venture out dont waste your time in rog BUT the jasper falls are worth the trip and fish out in front of that flowage if youwant to."

I'm getting the impression that Jasper might be a better day trip for fishing purposes.

I plan to give the sucker bottom rig a try and hope to have some pictures of fish to share when I get back.

(also) you've got mail
01/16/2023 08:53PM  
rdgbwca: "
shock: " if you venture out dont waste your time in rog BUT the jasper falls are worth the trip and fish out in front of that flowage if youwant to."

I'm getting the impression that Jasper might be a better day trip for fishing purposes.

I plan to give the sucker bottom rig a try and hope to have some pictures of fish to share when I get back.

(also) you've got mail"
1 pic of brookies out of Rog lake (2001) BUT DNR hasnt stocked it 5 or 6 years and they claim stocked brookies in lakes rarely live past 5 or 6 years BUT if you do go into Rog and catch one , it's gonna be a PIG like 5lbs.
senior member (96)senior membersenior member
01/24/2023 04:19PM  
rdgbwca: "Hi folks,

I am considering a Seagull Lake base camping trip in mid to late May.

I know that there are motorboats allowed on the lake. Is the traffic pretty heavy? Does it end at a certain time of day when the tows are completed? Or do a lot of people fish the lake from motorboats?

It looks like the south west portion of the lake is fairly wide open. One of my main concerns on Seagull is getting caught in the wind. Is the area around Miles Island and campsites 469-470 fairly sheltered? Anyone have favorite sites on this lake?

Are there any river or creeks that flow into Seagull or does the water flow out of Seagull?

It looks like a lot of the shore line seems to have been involved in different forest fires. Is it easy to collect firewood in the burn areas?

How is the water clarity? I've stayed on Horshoe and Meeds in the last two years and they didn't have the best water clarity.

Any day trips you would recommend from Seagull?

IIRC, there two parking lots that provide access to the lake? Do you prefer one or the other?


My favorite campsite is #2133. It's on the SW side of an island SW of Miles Island. It has a beautifully sheltered cove and a high campsite. For fishing, I think you'll do better the farther west you go.
05/12/2023 03:06PM  
wanderingfromkansas: "

My favorite campsite is #2133. It's on the SW side of an island SW of Miles Island. It has a beautifully sheltered cove and a high campsite. For fishing, I think you'll do better the farther west you go."

I have been reviewing this thread and the camp sites. Looks like a bear visited this site in 2020. :-(

I guess what they say is true. Bears can swim.
distinguished member(1101)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/13/2023 07:28PM  
rdgbwca: "
wanderingfromkansas: "

My favorite campsite is #2133. It's on the SW side of an island SW of Miles Island. It has a beautifully sheltered cove and a high campsite. For fishing, I think you'll do better the farther west you go."

I have been reviewing this thread and the camp sites. Looks like a bear visited this site in 2020. :-(

I guess what they say is true. Bears can swim."

The bears on Seagull commute from island to island, island to mainland and back again. They are capable of showing up at any campsite on the lake and elsewhere in the BWCA.
distinguished member(3464)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/14/2023 04:01PM  
rdgbwca: "I guess what they say is true. Bears can swim."

About half the bears I see are swimming.
05/15/2023 09:59AM  
bobbernumber3: "
rdgbwca: "I guess what they say is true. Bears can swim."

About half the bears I see are swimming."

Have you ever seen them swimming when you are in the canoe?

Do they swim faster than you can paddle?

Is it as scary as it sounds to see a bear swimming while in a canoe?
member (40)member
06/02/2023 11:57AM  
It will be exceptionally scary when the bear swims over and begins to climb into your canoe. Give these animals a wide margin.
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