BWCA Trip Report - Five nights on Boot Lake Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Five nights on Boot Lake     



distinguished member (107)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/27/2011 10:06PM  
New Trip Report posted by Sylbill

Trip Name: Five nights on Boot Lake.

Entry Point: 23

Click Here to View Trip Report
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08/28/2011 08:37AM  
Nice report and pictures. An enjoyable read. Sounds like you had "A Most Excellent Adventure!"
distinguished member(4446)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/28/2011 10:30AM  
a great first trip,now that you have your feet wet try for another BW paddle,like the Moose River to La Croix,before going to the Q.
distinguished member(2020)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/28/2011 10:40AM  
Congrats on completing your first trip! Sounds like you have a fine experience.

I had to laugh when you wrote about return trip home, "I don’t know what it is about Wisconsin drivers, but if you have a canoe on your cartop, it must make you invisible. Both, coming and going from the BW, people in Wisconsin just seem to pull out in front of you."

Luckily, I've not had that happen to me and I have to drive through the entire state if Wisconsin coming to/fro Ohio each year.
member (33)member
08/28/2011 12:13PM  
Sounds like a relaxing trip, Quetico is a little more work, and without
the throne on the hill. I been there many times. Glad you made it
back safe through Wisconsin. Good job on helping the broken arm man
world needs more BWCA mentality out there. Nice canoe to.
08/28/2011 12:16PM  
It's a small (BWCA) world!

My group was very happy to be able to help get your camera back to you. We're a bunch of photo nuts ourselves, so we consider that camera a critical piece of gear. It's more rewarding knowing that you were previously able to help that couple with the broken arm. What a miserable set of portages to face with an injury like that.

I loved reading your report. One would never know it was your first BWCA trip without your mentioning it. You clearly did your homework, and the trip sounded wonderful.

Boy, was it a crazy crowded time. I've never seen conditions in the BWCA so busy. Even considering the entry point and time of year, these were still unusually crowded conditions. I'm glad you were able to find some seclusion on Boot. You might give serious thought to that Quetico idea next time, especially if you'll be traveling the same time of year.

Congratulations on a successful trip and best wishes for all future ones.
member (33)member
08/28/2011 12:29PM  
LOL love the BWCA just great people I was impressed I thought you guys were Vet of the BWCA to.
distinguished member(1403)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/28/2011 08:49PM  

Thanks for the rpt. I like your easy come attitude. I have often brought my type A personality to the BW but I am learning to calm down and enjoy the time. Your rpt. was helpful.
08/31/2011 07:42AM  
Nice report and photos Sylbill. Thank you. It sounds like you had a great time in Ely and in the wilderness,
I am glad your wife caught a walleye and give it the taste test to her liking.
I like the photo of the Mackinac Bridge in the evening. It looks deserted.
09/03/2011 09:30PM  
Enjoyed your report. I have many trips under my belt, and never had an opportunity to aid a severely injured canoeist like you did. You guys adapt well to don't sound like rookies.

Next year, come in mid-September...cooler, best weather of the season, fewer people once you get beyond the entry lakes.
distinguished member (107)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/03/2011 10:19PM  
Thanks for all the feedback. You can just imagine what a broken arm in the middle of your trip would do to your vacation. I'm glad the couple made it back alright. The splint the guy made with tree limbs and duct tape actually looked pretty professional. We were rookies in the BW, but have done Wabakimi, Sylvania and Isle Royale. This however was our first trip with just the two of us. It was certainly a lot of fun, and other than packing way too much and a lot of wind, it was a good trip. The fishing was not as great as I expected, but we did not put a lot of effort into it since we did not need the fish for food. If we needed fish to eat, I'm sure we would have caught more (and certainly not thrown the smallmouths back). We would love to try September, but since my wife teaches, we will have to wait a few years until she retires to try that. This website has so much useful information that the trip was pretty much what I expected. Haven't figured out when the next one will be, but there certainly will be another one. I just want to thank all the people that contribute to this website for their help, and a special thanks to UncleMoose and his wife for returning the camera we left behind at the portage.
member (33)member
09/10/2011 11:08PM  
funny you said you been to Island Royale my wife wants to go there some
time any word of advice ?
distinguished member(1403)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/11/2011 02:09AM  
quote brynfrd: "funny you said you been to Island Royale my wife wants to go there some
time any word of advice ?

I've been as well, although that's a pretty broad question. Perhaps it would be worth opening an OT thread for that?
distinguished member(1069)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/11/2011 05:56AM  
I always like Boot Lake. Thanks for the report.
01/19/2012 03:30PM  
Thanks for the report. Good job helping others in need!
02/10/2012 09:11PM  
I enjoyed reading your report because my brother and I basecamped on the exact same site you stayed at. Very nice site. Looking at your photos and reading your report brought back a lot of memories. (we had no luck fishing Fairy either, though we did catch enough smallmouth on Boot to have fish every day, and each caught a handfull of pretty nice northerns) Windy as heck all week, the only lures we could cast succesfully were heavy spinners.
distinguished member (107)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/11/2012 02:26PM  
I'm glad you enjoyed the report. I was surprised we didn't catch anything on Fairy, since a Mepps spinner will usually pull in something. We were also surprised how it was windy every day, but it keeps the bugs down and kept us from getting too hot. We didn't plan on driving that far for this years trip, but we enjoyed the BW so well that we have decided to go to Quetico this year with the couple we normally canoe with. Hopefully we will see more wildlife.
distinguished member(563)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/12/2012 10:22AM  
My first trip ever we stayed at the middle site on Boot lake. If you fish Fairy again try drifting from the island north towards the opening in the little bay. We have had good luck catching Walleye in the past. Nict trip report I enjoyed it... :>)
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