www.BWCA.com Photo, Forum, BWCA, BWCAW, Quetico Park

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Birds in flight

May 8th 2022 Garden Lake Sunrise 2

May 9th Rookie Lake Sunset

May 8th 2022 Garden Lake Sunrise

Why did the black bear cross the r road?

Moose Lake May 9th 2022

Moose Lake May 6th 2022 - 2

Moose Lake May 6th 2022

Moose Lake May 5th 2022

Wood Lake May 1st 2022

The drive into Ely was breathtaking.

John Galt's Pelican Case

Complete with foreign dust!

John Galt's Test Bench

Where the magic happens

Doz-hickey mock-up

This is how the cordgage contraption may be useful.


This cordgage contraption may be useful.

Needed an extra challenge on Day 1

Buddy took a hatchet to his shin/foot as a result of carelessness & improper tool usage.

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