Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

The Wabakimi Project - The Ultimate Portage Clearing Trip!
by OneMatch

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 08/07/2010
Entry Point: Other
Exit Point: Other  
Number of Days: 7
Group Size: 4
Part 5 of 6
Saying Goodbye:

We base camped on the South end of Granite for 4 days, flagging and measuring a 1700 meter trail (needed so little clearing, we let it go. Phil doesn’t want to cut everything around, keeping in mind many paddlers would want it that way), searching out and finding blazes (and flagging) 2 200 meter trails into the next lake - Otter Bluff.

Saturday morning came sooner than we thought it would. We posed for our final crew picture: Photobucket

We then paddled out to wait for our float plane to arrive. We soon heared the Beaver’s drone and saw it coming:


It landed soon after and we paddled out to it. The new crew got off:


and paddled away as we waved goodbye:


As in our first look at Wabakimi, our last look was also from the air:


We arrived shortly back at Mattice Lake Outfitters, went into Armstrong for some Snickers bars and "pop" and headed back into Thunder Bay. There I said goodbye to my new friends and headed back to Grand Marais for yet another adventure.