Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

first solo
by nicole

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 08/14/2013
Entry & Exit Point: Lizz and Swamp Lakes (EP 47)
Number of Days: 7
Group Size: 1
Day 5 of 7
Sunday, August 18, 2013

I wake up with the sun today. I'm back on track with sleeping. I have my morning ritual of watching the sky change colors and clouds change shape as I drink my morning water (yes morning water, not coffee :) I meditate, wash up, make breakfast, etc... I'm antsy today and want to move. So I decide to take a day trip. The wind is still really strong today. But I decide to brave it anyway. Vista Lake today. I make it across Horseshoe to the portage and to Vista. As I neared the end of the portage, the wind almost knocked the Prism off my shoulders. There are white caps on the lake. Nope. I turn around to head back to camp defeated.

I take my time paddling back and happen upon a playful family of otters. I watch them for a while. Then they see me. And they begin making a horrendous screeching sound. I must be close to their den. Maybe they have wee ones in there. I'm curious. But I've heard some stories recently about how ferocious otters can be. I decide to leave them in peace and paddle along.

I lounge back at camp and take care of camp chores. I'm thinking about leaving camp tomorrow so I take a paddle around the lake at sunset when it's calm to really see the rest of Horseshoe. It's a beautiful lake. I'm hoping to see that elusive moose. No such luck. I think about my mother. She's almost 60 and grew up coming to the BW. She and my father are the reason I love the outdoors so much. And I took my first trip up here with her and my aunt when I was 13. She's not in great shape now. But I decide that she needs to make it up here more often. I know it would make her really happy.

I'm also thinking a lot about food today. I have been a vegetarian for 4 years. But I am craving meat. I can't stop thinking about fish and buffalo jerky.

It rains tonight as I sleep. Not too much. It kept me awake and my mind started to spin again. What if I can't make it out on Tuesday? What if it's super windy like it has been? What if I tip over in the middle of the lake? What if it's lightening? And on & on. Again, it takes me a while to talk myself down from the ledge. I eventually fall asleep again.