Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

Return to Iron Lake
by naturboy12

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 06/09/2019
Entry & Exit Point: Moose/Portage River (north) (EP 16)
Number of Days: 7
Group Size: 2
Part 7 of 8
Friday, June 14, 2019- Backtracking to Agnes

Friday was an early wake-up day, sometime around 5:30 or so we got things moving. We packed up our gear, loaded the canoe, and pushed off shore well before 7:00. That's when the rain started. It didn't rain hard, just enough to get us a little wet, but it lasted most of the way through Iron Lake. It stopped right as we reached Bottle Portage, and by the time we made it across to LLC, the skies were blue again. Too bad we didn't sleep in one extra hour...

We made our way across LLC, through Tiger Bay, and back into Boulder Bay before the winds started to pick up. It was a light but steady headwind and slowed our progress a bit through Boulder Bay, but by the time we made it through the two short portages into Agnes, the wind had really picked up. Forecasts said the wind was going to be 10-15 mph from the south, then switch in the afternoon to the same but out of the north. Well, we fought whitecaps and rollers all the way from the north end of Agnes until we reached the nicer site on the SE part of the lake on the point. It was a mess. Food everywhere, all over the rocks and in the water as though the previous occupants had decided not to eat and just tossed it all. So much rice and noodles, it was sickening. We had no way to clean it up, but we did pick up the other trash and a pair of gloves that were left at the firegrate. We were not going to stay in a site that messy and risk having a bear visit, so we continued on and took the site in the west corner of the southern bay.

The campsite itself was just ok, but that's all we needed as it was a one-night stop before our exit day on Saturday. The tent pads have some pretty good slope to them, and the landing is rocky and slippery. The fire area also faces away from the lake, which we found strange, and was probably the part we liked least about the site. We set up camp, ate lunch, then lounged around camp for a while and at some point I took a much needed nap.

That turned out to be a big mistake, as when I woke up, the wind change had happened. Curt mentioned it had been almost calm while I slept, but by the time we got everything settled and headed out to fish, the wind, now out of the north and blowing down the full length of the lake, had whipped up plenty of whitecaps and 2+ foot rollers. We tried to fish, but it just wasn't worth it, so we landed on a rocky outcrop in our bay, explored for a while, and headed back to camp. Since we didn't have anything better to do, we gathered a bunch of firewood, had a campfire for a few hours, and just talked about the trip and how things had gone, what we would do different, and what we wanted from future trips. It was a good way to end the week, but a little disappointing as we both had hoped to take advantage of the good fishing on Agnes. We went to bed satisfied with our trip, but a little sad to have to head back to reality the next morning.