Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

The best laid plans....
by Bearpath9

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date:
Entry & Exit Point: Wood Lake (EP 26)
Number of Days: 6
Group Size: 1
Part 5 of 6
My loon alarm clock went off at sunrise, as usual, but instead of going back to sleep, I got myself up. I was glad I did. First off, the skies were pretty clear for a change, and secondly, I got a beautiful sunrise. I really enjoyed that, and the blue skies held hope for a good day. Fixed myself something eat, and while I was waiting for that, I sat down on the rocky area in front of my site, and just looked over the lake, and listened to every thing waking up. I heard the water start to boil, and as I got up I looked to my left, and caught an eagle surveying the lake. Tried to get a better shot, but he took off for greener pastures. I had seen eagles almost every day, but this was the closest I had gotten to one. Must be a sign that it was going to be a good day. And it was-for the most part. Not wanting to waste it, I grabbed my pole and my rain jacket, and went out fishing. I had decided not bring bait in with me, instead relying on artificials, but I caught some grasshoppers and some slugs that liked my bear vaults. Went out in front of the site and tossed a hopper in with no weight, just floating on the surface. Took about ten minutes and a smally came up a took it. Caught another, lost a couple of hoppers, and switched to the slugs. Never used them before, so I put a bobber on, about 5 foot deep, and waited. Got action almost right away, bluegills this time. Eventually, I ran out of bait, and decided to paddle around for a while. It turned out to be a nice morning, actually got hot, hot enough that I went for a swim after I got back to camp. Around 1 or 2, the clouds started to roll in, so I went and grabbed my vaults to put under the tarp. Around dinner time, it really looked bad. Dark clouds, really dark clouds moved in. Soon, I could hear thunder, and the wind picked up fast. I hightailed it to the tent just as lightening started to flash. Didn't really get a lot of rain, but the lightshow was pretty good. During a break, I went back out and stashed my containers in their spots, took a look around and went back to the tent. I read a little bit while listening to the weather reports, and called it a night.