Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

Stuart - Iron - Crooked - Moosecamp - Fourtown
by 30Smoke

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 06/07/2022
Entry Point: Stuart River (EP 19)
Exit Point: Mudro Lake (EP 23)  
Number of Days: 9
Group Size: 2
Part 8 of 9
June 14 - We got a late start. Peter was going to fish for a while and catch up. I checked out the campsite 1090 to the east on the way to the creek. There were some remnants from the logging era, and the campsite seemed to get some use. I took a few pictures and resumed my journey. I had slept in, and it was getting past noon. I ran into my first obstacle, a submerged log all the way across the river, tested my mettle. I stuck my paddle in the creek bed, and there did not seem to be a bottom, so I went to the side of the creek and crawled along the grass and reeds past the log. Peter caught up at the dam across the creek. I asked how he handled the obstacle he claimed to have just stepped on the log and was able to push his canoe to the other side and get back in! I would have been stuck in the creek bed if I had tried a maneuver like that.

We were blessed that the water was high enough to paddle the full creek, and I enjoyed the whole paddle. This can be a very difficult creek when the water is low, but luck was in our favor and I enjoyed the full paddle, and it was disappointed that the creek had to enter Fourtown, as the paddle in the creek was over! But when one journey ends another begins, and coming into Fourtown Lake for the first time, the lake and was beautiful and all three campsites on this end were open. We opted for site 1102, and it was large enough to easily handle 2 times the BWCA limit per site. Peter worked hard to find a few walleyes, and I threw a bobber out and caught a nice walleye and sunfish. We would eat good the last night of our trip.