Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

First Quetico trip July 2011
by marc24

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 07/11/2011
Entry & Exit Point: Quetico
Number of Days: 12
Group Size: 4
Day 7 of 12
Sunday, July 17, 2011

After a warm night sleep, being woken up several times by some very noisy loons, the men did a little fishing in the morning while the wives slept in. It was already quite warm by the time we ate breakfast and we decided since we wanted to see if we could get to Lemay Lake that we should get moving before the heat of the day hit. I begin trolling near where i lost the large pike the night before when i get another strike. Another big fish, however, this one snaps me off after just a few seconds, losing another deep diving lure. Uh, frustrating for sure.

We paddle to the cove where the Lemay creek empties into Kawnipi and scout out the possibilities of getting up the creek. We choose to not venture up the creek and instead paddle around looking for moose. Still looking.... Headed back towards the main lake, we see the first canoes we have seen in 4 days. So, we really dont have the whole lake to ourselves, bummer. Stopped at a rarely used campsite for a snack and found the mother load of all blueberries! We picked a ziplock bag worth of them for breakfast the next morning and pressed on. Shortly thereafter, as we are paddling back to camp my wife notices something shiny in the water and much to my surprise, its the lure I lost earlier in the day. It had floated nearly a half a mile and was just begging me to pick it back up! We had a good laugh at that one for sure.

Then, we saw a huge canoe approaching us, it had 5 people in it and even had a set of wheels. Obviously, we had never seen anything like that before, I assume they were traversing the length of the park? We wanted fish for dinner so stopped by our honey hole on the way and quickly boated 2 walleyes and a bass, with my wife catching the big one. My parents boated a walleye too so dinner was taken care of. We fileted them on the far shore and the eagle and gulls were happy to dispose of the scraps. Our favorite way to eat them over the years has become as fish tacos. Delish! A storm threatened in the evening so we didnt venture back out after dinner but it only sprinkled on us for a few minutes. Another hot evening and we were in the tents before the skeeters even came out this time.