Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

First Quetico trip July 2011
by marc24

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 07/11/2011
Entry & Exit Point: Quetico
Number of Days: 12
Group Size: 4
Day 8 of 12
Monday, July 18, 2011

Last night was the first night that it really threatened to have a severe storm. The lightning show started at about 3:00 am and lasted about an hour or so. It did manage to rain a tad, but we certainly avoided the brunt of the storm. It cleared up in time to go for some morning fishing, but the women stayed in bed. Unfortunately for them, Dad and I did finally spot a moose. Oops, I guess the women should have gotten out of the tents when we did. We caught plenty more of the usual suspects, and headed back to camp for blueberry pancakes.

We decide that we will stay one more night at the primo campsite and discuss our daytrip. We chose to head toward McVicar Bay and on to Anubis Lake. It is already a hot, muggy day and thankfully we have a decent breeze to help keep it bearable. The creek into Anubis is choked off by a very large beaver dam so we have to take the two portages if we want to continue our journey. They are both overgrown with some downed trees but we press on and finally arrive on Anubis, all of us hot and hungry. We paddle and troll down the lake , catching a few fish and then stop for lunch. Nothing too exciting and kind of a mediocre looking lake so we just turn and head for home. We spent the next 3+ hours battling a stiff headwind, it became scorching hot on the water and by the time we made it to our island site, we were all seriously ready for a swim. Somewhere over the years we decided its just best to swim in what you are wearing, therefore taking a bath and doing laundry at the same time.

We do manage to fish a little after a dinner of mac and cheese and summer sausage. But, we are all bushed and have a long travel day planned for tomorrow. Highlight of the night may have been watching a beaver working on a newly felled tree at the waters edge. He wasnt to fond of us though, he circled our canoe and did the predictable tail splash. He certainly was a busy beaver.