Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

First Quetico trip July 2011
by marc24

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 07/11/2011
Entry & Exit Point: Quetico
Number of Days: 12
Group Size: 4
Day 9 of 12
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

No fishing this morning. We fully intend to get a early start in order to paddle back up the length of mighty Kawnipi. We truly hate to leave our gorgeous site, but alas we have to. It has been the best home away from home we have ever had between BW and now Quetico. The site is so large, it takes longer than expected to pack up because we have stuff strewn to and fro. Eventually, we are back on the water, another hot day unfolding in front of us. I troll along the way and catch another half dozen nice walleyes.

We want to see new sights so we plan on going through McEwen lake to Wet Lake before heading back up the Falls Chain. Arriving at the portage, we see that it seems pretty rough and the temperature has really taken its toll the past few days. It seems more prudent to us to not overdue it and chose to continue back the way we came days earlier and ended up on Sydney Lake once again for the evening.

The campsite is not the best, but it has a large rock for jumping into the water and cooling off. It was much needed and deserved. There were no real trees to relax in hammocks and the cooking area was less than ideal but we always make do. After dinner we fished for a little while but I think we were all just whipped. Back up the Falls Chain in the morning.