Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

Big Fork River - Little American Falls to Rainy River
by Valkor

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 05/24/2024
Entry Point: Other
Exit Point: Other  
Number of Days: 4
Group Size: 1
Day 3 of 4
Sunday, May 26, 2024

The water by the landing was covered in froth. I had to be a little careful coming out from the landing because I have to go in between two foot waves and a big eddy swirling around and then cut to the left quickly in calmer waters before the waves push me to a dead tree ahead. After that was over, all I had to do was to keep my balance from the waves coming out of the main stream hitting me sideways which wasn't hard. Getting out was not as bad as I thought it would be.

Going to sturgeon landing was kind of fun. Water was quick, there was still some small rapids to go through and I got there in no time at 5.7 mph, the fastest during the whole trip. Saw three otters a few miles down. They didn't look too happy, they hissed at me.

After that, the river itself has had a little time to carve through the land so it feels almost like going through a shallow valley with gentle hills or steep banks by the river. The river was a little slower, I was averaging 5.2-5.3 mph now instead of 5.5. There's some rapids about a mile ahead of Ben linn landing but there weren't any rapids at the spot of the map 3 miles down. The bugs never bothered me at all on the river up until this point. Throughout the day it was only a mild nuisance though, not worth using deet or a head net. I also got some headwind too but not as bad as yesterday. Made another stop at Gowdy landing and I met an old couple in a side by side. I like the more bendy loops instead of the larger loops of the river here that were a mile long.

I end up getting to Lindford like I planned to. The road from Kueffer landing to Lofgren is pothole city, hated it. Ivan Crawford itself was the first place on the river that actually looked flooded. There was a potapotty there so that was nice. I did 31 miles that day and got done by 6 pm. It was the only day that was a full day's of paddle.