Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

Threading The Weather Needle On Little Indian Sioux
by 907Tundra

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 06/13/2024
Entry & Exit Point: Little Indian Sioux River (north) (EP 14)
Number of Days: 5
Group Size: 2
Day 4 of 5
Sunday, June 16, 2024 We awoke to an overcast sky but nothing very threatening so we take our time getting on the water. Up first is the 240 rod portage into Hustler, long but nice. Hustler was really pretty and a lake I’d like to come back to. I regret not detouring to check out Emerald Lk. As we portaged into Ruby we saw remnants of old log work. A dock like structure and notched logs, perhaps from an old cabin, were sunken at the waters edge. There was a flat area beside the portage that could have been an old cabin site. If so, I could definitely see why, it was a charming spot nestled tightly between two lakes with lots of white pines.

Next up was the portage into Lynx. It wasn’t too bad just long. Near Lynx there is a stretch where it appears a pond breached and the ensuing rush of water scalped the vegetation and soil right off the bedrock. Near the channel into Little Shell we spotted the first people we had seen since our second morning. The weather had turned sunny but as we crossed Little Shell, rain clouds were closing in fast. Our luck continued as the rain didn’t fall until we were on the portage into Shell. We took cover under the big cedar trees until the rain slowed to a light drizzle. On Shell after circumnavigating the lake, we found most of the campsites were taken. The southernmost site turned out to be an unexpected gem. At first glance it was pretty exposed and hard used site with a fair amount of brush. Upon further inspection behind all the brush we found great shelter beneath towering White pines. The rain tapered off and by late evening the sun peeked out and we enjoyed a nice sunset fire. So far we were pretty darn lucky with the weather. I noticed someone had scratched shallow trenches around the tent pads at this site. I’m guessing the heavy rains, from the night before we entered the BWCA, had flooded peoples tents. We love our hammocks and this is an example of why.

Lakes traveled: Oyster, Hustler, Ruby, Lynx, Little Shell, Shell Paddled 6.2 mi, portaged 545 rods