Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

Solo: EP 37 to Malberg Base (Day trips to Fishdance/KivaNiva/Boze)
by cabinsolutions

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 07/19/2024
Entry & Exit Point: Kawishiwi Lake (EP 37)
Number of Days: 5
Group Size: 1
Day 3 of 5
Sunday, July 21, 2024: 0530: Reveille followed by coffee and breakfast. 0800: I went to check on the scouts and retrieve my InReach. I found no activity at camp so assumed they were sleeping in and I returned to camp. 1100: Returned to the Scouts and discussed status with leaders. Girls were going to rest that day and attempt extract on Monday. Their SPOT device was rebooted, so they had comms with base once again. With InReach in hand, I headed back to camp to plan my day trip. 1200: Departed for day trip to Kivaniva. Paddled NE through Malberg to the first portage. It was a very narrow rapids carved deep coming out of Malberg. I proceeded up the creek to another section of the Kawishiwi River until I reached the portage to Kivaniva. The only activity on this portage was wolf and moose tracks! Arrived Kivaniva Lake with another neat rapids to portage around. Paddled through seeing trumpeter swans, eagles, beavers and many water lilies! There is one site that is overgrown on the northern side. I stopped there for a break and enjoyed many wild blueberries!!! After soaking it in, I began the paddle back to Malberg. I had some daylight left, so I explored Louse Creek east to Boze lake. This is a small meandering creek with much beauty and peace! Returned to camp early evening for dinner and campfire. A long day of paddling and exploring, but it was worth every bit of the effort! ~Boze Lake, Frond Lake, Kivaniva Lake, Malberg Lake