Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

Solo: EP 37 to Malberg Base (Day trips to Fishdance/KivaNiva/Boze)
by cabinsolutions

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 07/19/2024
Entry & Exit Point: Kawishiwi Lake (EP 37)
Number of Days: 5
Group Size: 1
Day 4 of 5
Monday, July 22, 2024: 0530: Reveille followed by coffee and breakfast. 0800: Scouts stopped by my camp on their way out and asked for assistance portaging to Polly. They had several members dizzy, weak and unable to handle the portages. I agreed to help them, packed up camp, and I caught up to them at the Malberg to Koma portage. I paddled ahead and met them at the first Koma portage. I assisted them with a triple portage on the longer one, and they agreed they could handle the two remaining shorter legs. I wished them well on their return and headed back to camp. I arrived camp about 1000 and pondered my day trip. It was suppose to rain, so I decided to head to the pictos on Fishdance instead of sitting around camp all day. 1200: Departed for Fishdance. Portaged thru to River. Please note, THIS PORTAGE IS FLOODED. GO LEFT IF NORTHBOUND AND YOU'LL WEAVE THROUGH SMALL SECTION UNTIL YOU CAN PORTAGE AGAIN. Arrived River lake and banked SW towards Fishdance. This is a very scenic part of the river. I saw one group staying at the south island site on River Lake. After two hours of paddling and one short portage I arrived at the pictos. It was very surreal thinking about the history and someone painting those so many years ago. I recommend seeing these if you have the opportunity. 1430: Began my return trip and enjoyed a peaceful paddle. As I cleared the portage into Malberg, I heard a float plane to my south. I was concerned about the welfare of the Girl Scouts (more on that later.....). I assumed it was an evac since the fire danger was low. Returned to camp around 1700 and settled in. I had decided to depart the next morning for KChong and spend a final night there so I packed up a few things before hitting the rack.
~Malberg Lake, River Lake, Fishdance Lake