Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

A journey into serenity
by anoop1986k

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 08/22/2024
Entry & Exit Point: Fall Lake (EP 24)
Number of Days: 4
Group Size: 7
Trip Introduction:
Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW) – A Journey into Serenity
Day 1 of 4
Thursday, August 21, 2024:

Prelude in Ely

Our adventure began as we arrived in Ely around 3 PM a day before our permits allowed us to enter the BWCAW. Ely has it's own small-town charm, a fitting prelude to the untouched wilderness that awaited us. We were excited but also slightly anxious, given that most of us were beginners when it came to camping. We were in good hands with Piragis, the outfitting company we chose for our journey.

At Piragis, the rest of our evening was filled with preparations. The staff were thorough, showing us instructional videos, packing our food, and patiently explaining our meal plan and route options. The gear was laid out in front of us, and they walked us through every detail, from setting up our tents to handling the canoes. The 'oar fitting' session was a fun little moment for some of our novice campers. We left Piragis with a wealth of knowledge, a sense of preparedness, and a nervous excitement for the adventure ahead.

After what felt like several hours of prep, we explored the town a bit. The Piragis retail store, with its array of camping gear and the cozy bookstore was a nice little highlight. A stop at Northwoods Coffee provided us with delicious brews and a chance to savor the last bit of civilization. We turned in early at the Paddle Inn motel, eager for the next day's journey.

Thursday, August 22, 2024: Day 1: Into the Wild

The morning of August 22nd dawned crisp and clear. After a quick breakfast at a local deli, we returned to Piragis for final check-ins. The staff’s last-minute advice and help with setting up our fishing gear were reassuring as we set off for Fall Lake, Entry Point 24. The 15-minute drive felt like the calm before the storm, though in reality, it was the calm before serenity.

The moment our canoes touched the waters of Fall Lake, we were enveloped by the tranquility of the Boundary Waters. The stillness was only interrupted by the haphazard dipping of our paddles and the occasional call of a loon. We portaged into Newton Lake, where the scenery seemed to become even more picturesque—forests of pine and birch framed the water like a painting. The Fall Lake falls is an attraction unto itself.

Our final stretch for the day was a 3+ mile canoe trip up Pipestone Bay. The bay opened up in front of us, a vast expanse of shimmering water under a bright sky. The last stretch of our journey turned out to be more precarious than what we had hoped for, rough waters, cross currents and winds rocked our canoes to a point where we felt the need to immediately find a campsite. Our ultimate destination happened to be campsite 1589, a gem nestled by a sandy beach. The first evening was spent setting up camp, a surprisingly smooth process thanks to some of our more experienced campers in the group. We gathered around the campfire, cooked a satisfying meal, and let the day’s exhaustion carry us into a deep, restful sleep.